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"I'm your daughter from the future!" - Random Review - Fragment's Note



And here we go, my second visual novel review! Today we will look into Fragment's Note - a visual novel made by Alvion and Ullucus Heaven. The English version was released in June 2014 for iOS, and just recently - March 10th 2015 for PSV and Android for the price of 4,5$ (that's actually the price for iOS and Android ver, I'm not sure about PSV) Unlike the iOS ver that you can purchase freely, only players from some selected countries can purchase the Android ver. I myself had to go through all sort of troubles, faking IP, faking account this and that to get this game. <_< Nice business strategy out there <_<

Anyway, enough ranting, let us begin!





"I-I can't, you're like a little brother to me. Besides, I already have a boyfriend..."

"... I'm sorry."

One not-so-special afternoon, I, Tenjou Yukiha, confessed my love to my childhood friend and got turned down.

But before I have any time to grieve, a girl suddenly appears right in front of me.

"Nice to meet you!"

"I'm your daughter from the future, and I traveled all the way back in time to change your life for the better!"

That's how I met my self-proclaimed daughter-of-the future, who changes my entire life.

That was the beginning of it all.

The beginning of my new future.

Yup, this is like the perfect recipe for a pointless moege that has nothing but icha icha and *censored*. The daughter from the future (incest!!!), the osananajimi that already has a boyfriend (NTR!!!), what more can you ask for?!

Woa woa, calm down. Don't be fooled by the synopsis. This VN will give you much more than just a normal moege (actually, this is a nakige!).


1. Tenjou Yukiha

Mr. Protagonist, a normal student that has a normal life, with nothing but a caring older sister (damn!) and a cute osananajimi (DAMN!). He is a huge siscon that doesn't mind kissing his sister everyday (oh **** you!). His family lived in Russia when he was small.

2. Mischa Eisenstein (Misha Ey-Sen-Sten?)


That name though...

A Russian exchange student, that actually Yukiha's osananajimi. Energetic, has no shame, and full deredere gauge, she caused lots of troubles to Yukiha, bonus with the cold stare from his classmate. She came from a prestigious family, that donated a lot of money to Yukiha's school.

3. Tenjou Haya



Yukiha's non blood-related older sister that working at Yukiha's school as a part-time nurse. Caring and pretty much a brocon, she also doesn't mind giving Yukiha kiss and lap-pillow anytime he wants. She is really popular at school due to her personality.

4. Shirasagi Eri



Yukiha's classmate, and Yuki's best friend. She is a honor student, that known for her androphobia (dislike men). A tsundere that has a secret fetish that no one (or everyone?) knows: she loves taboo relationship. Due to this, she fully supports Yukiha and Haya to become a couple.

5. Asaka Yukitsuki (Yuki for short)


Almost lost my lips virginity...not that I mind though...

Yukiha's osananajimi. She came to wake him up everyday, even made breakfast for him. However, their relationship became awkward after the rejection 1 second into the game. She also came from a prestigious family that donated 60% of Yukiha's school funding.

She is a hidden yandere

6. Tenjou Miu


My daughter is sooo adorable!

Yukiha's self-proclaimed "daughter from the future". She came back to the past to "give him a better future". She is a genius, that can easily tinker with high-tech gadget from the future, and even solved a university level's math "out of boredom". Fun fact: her hair ornament can change "emotion" depend on her feeling. High-tech gadget is high-tech, indeed <_<


1. Common + Mischa/Haya Route

Now, you may wonder, why did I combine 3 ROUTES in one part like this, instead of doing them separately? The reason is, the actual common route of this VN is really short (I can just call it "prologue"), that you can finish in less than 30 minutes, with mostly character introduction.


Yup, and now it's time for "breakfast" *itadakimasu*

The heroine route begins right away after your first choice. The VN will lead you through your "colorful" school days after rejection, the story about the future where Miu came from, why did she want to change the past, and the story about the "real" Yuki.

The story is pretty decent. However, they made a really big mistake: Mischa and Haya route are almost IDENTICAL. Beside some unique events due to the different in relationship between them and Yukiha, the other parts of the route are literally copy-paste. Everything is almost exactly the same, the only change is the name of the person in question. You may get some "feel" when playing the first route, but onto the second, you will just want to skip the hell out of it, and only stop for the unique events and ending. (thank God, at least the endings are different, somewhat).


Incest is fine too!

Another problem, is that the story in the two routes totally focused on Miu and Yuki's story. Mischa and Haya just served as comic relief, to give us some laugh with their everyday icha icha and jealousy toward other girls. Yes, Miu and Yuki's story are interesting and all, but these are Mischa and Haya route right?! Give them some love won't you?! And even if you really just want to focus on Miu and Yuki, at least make the story goes a bit different, please?! The reason, the progress, the resolve, everything is just the same!


Ugh...my heart is melting...

Hell, and here I'm, thinking that Material Brave's straight line story is already bad enough...

2. Eri Route


OK! Why not!

Surprisingly (at least for me), Eri route is what I considered true route, and the best route of the game. It dug deep into Eri's past, about her friendship with Yuki, and the reason for her to keen on helping everyone when they are in trouble. It will also show us what was not showed in other routes,

including why Eri did not appear when Miu talked about the future, and how did she convince Yuki to "go back to normal".

Maybe it's just me being weak, but

the part that she told her true feeling for Yukiha to Yuki,

and the moment Yukiha proposed her really moved me to tear -_- And she suddenly jumped up to be my favorite character of this VN, surpassed Miu :D


Get rekt, son


Funny enough, at first I thought she was just a normal side character with no route, who know that she ended up being the most important one :lol:



Best friends - Best trolls

The art is pretty nice and suit my taste very well. There are also a-few-but-good SDCG with simple but cute draw. However, I do have a problem with the lack of kissing CGs. Even MoeNovel has some half-ass kissing CGs <_<

And why is Mischa the only one with fan-service CGs?! So unfair!!!


It's...decent, I guess. Again, this is not in my area of knowledge, but at least the music suits the scenes well. There is nothing really special about it though.

Btw, just so you know, there is no voice, no OP, ED in this VN. <_<



- Nice art, good character design.

- Interesting, heart-warming story. (Eri route)

- Good amount of comedy.


- Repetitive, copy-paste scene/line in Mischa and Haya route. (there are some in Eri route too, but doesn't affect much)

- No real story for Mischa and Haya.

- Boring wake-up line that used in almost every day.

- Typo, coding error at some places.

- Some unanswered questions remain (wonder if they will be in the after story?)

- No Miu route Nevermind <_<

Small minus:

- No kissing CGs.

- No voice, movie.

- No Yuki route. I'm really curious about what will happen if Yukiha still choose Yuki in the end.


Story: 9/10.

Character: 9/10.

Route: 9/10 for Eri, 6/10 for others.

Graphic: 9/10.

Music: 7/10.

Overall: 8/10.

Note: I recommend playing Mischa OR Haya first, then play Eri route next. You can just skip one of the first two route, doesn't really matter.


Who are you?! What did you do to the real Eri?!

My previous review:

Tokyo School Life


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Guest I need help. I want Eri's


How do i get Eri's route i really want to play her route, but im not sure how to get it ;-; help?

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Try choosing the "uhuhhhh" option in the first selection.... and can sb share the other path to avoid the bad end that brings u to the home screen?...


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Guest Anoncreep



I brought my own lunch <-- doesn't matter

eat in the classroom 

stay in the classroom 

*boom* Eri route 


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Guest Shard


Honestly the story was not that good. The biggest issue is they make it look like Yukiha HAS to fall in love with someone, and if he doesn't oh bad end...why? Two flaws that do a lot of damage to the believability to the story. 1, Yukiha should not have to fall in love someone else, that is his decision. 2, why doesn't Yukiha stay true to his feelings for Yuki, Miu gets upset and tells him everything? Then with that stuff in mind he personally breaks her eventually out of her puppet self for good, thus they get to be together this time without the bad stuff in the future happening, hence they get a good ending together this time. For goodness sake, Miu even said in Eri's route that future Yuki was never saved, because Eri did nothing to try helping her out of it, which adds more to my point Yuki and Yukiha could have got a good together this time. This is a pretty big flaw that makes me not even care about the other routes, because the other routes feel like excuses to ignore this problem. I mean there should have at least been a Yuki route doing what I said. Also it's really overkill for someone as young as Miu to be acting that serious and smart. It's kinda fanfiction levels. 

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