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Tear When I Poop

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  1. O,O this summer vacation... is gonna be real busy. Ah welp i already started Valkyrie Chronicles 3, i'm really enjoying it a the moment. I'll try the rest when i finish it, starting too many means that i'm not gonna finish any and get bored and throw them away. I thought of saving Type-0 when i get a PS4 but is it worth? You said something real scary somewhere there... It sadly didn't work even after trying 6 times. Hey this may be weird, but i may or may not have played a single Metal Gear Solid franchise (pls don't kill me ;-; ) yet. How good is it? I know it's pretty famous but still never told myself to get it. While i'm here, i know i said no VNs but is there something on the level of Danganronpa? It would help with my searching Again, thanks to everyone who helped me ^o^
  2. Ah speaking of fate/extra, is there a video about all servant-based text? I finished the Game with Caster on Normal the first playthrough. But i don't have enough motivation to do the same things with Archer and Saber. Grinding in that game is way too repetitive. And since the mysteries are now known it's not as interesting as first time.
  3. Well i got SOME answers but now i have a more difficult question .... WHICH ONE SHOULD I START AND FINISH FIRST!!! First world problems ;-;
  4. About god eater, how fun is it to play solo? It's like Monster Hunter but MH has more depth. I prefer God Eater since it's (or at least seems) simpler
  5. I'm already playing it, though not sure how good it is. It's been interesting but nothing to get hooked on. Nevertheless i will finish it. Ah i envy you who can read Jap, i'll try to learn it in my highschool years, which is probably next year or during the summer vacation. Off-topic I know it takes long but on a side note: How long did it take you and do you have any tips? Persona 3, i'm already playing the FES version on my trusty dusty PS2 (It's still alive) The other two ... Valkyria 2 i expected it to be boring seeing the picture but since i always see it i'll give it a chance i guess. Ys Seven sounds interesting, thank you. Why would you assume that? I really enjoy YuGiOh but it's really a pain to get all the cards i want and the deck making system is pretty annoying compared to any PC YuGiOh game. I'll try that, thank you.
  6. So i just got hooked again on my old psp and when i searched the thing called google (god bless), i realized that i've been missing out on some cool games. So i would like to ask you guys for recommendations on the best PSP games out there. Things that i like : Action RPG (RPGs are the best :3) Adventure English Japanese-games-that-are-translated-and-somewhat-interesting (No VNs) Sneaky-assassin-games Nice-graphics (Though it's not like it's a necessity i mean it's psp we're talkin about) Things i dislike : Non-translated-games FPS Fighting (For example Tekken 6, it's good don't get me wrong but it's not my thing) Late-game Racing Puzzle And oh i'd be thankful if you include multiple recommendations in your post. Chances are if you're suggesting a famous game, i already played it.
  7. Utwareurmono looks very good, aswell as Kouhime. Thanks ^^ I would welcome anymore games if you have more about Sengoku
  8. I finished Sengoku Rance and i really enjoyed it, i found that i really like the Sengoku era. Katanas, conquering and stuffs. So i would like to ask you guys if you know other games that run around that era. While it doesn't have to be a VN, it has to be a pc game, though being a VN would be a +. Being a gameplay RPG would be +++. By the way, i can't read Japanese so i'm asking for English translated games.
  9. Like the title says, the Rance series has alot of games. I finished Sengoku Rance and i'm thinking a little bit about trying the older/newer ones. But i'm bad with searching for translated stuff. Short story shorter : 1. How many Rance games are fully translated? 2. How many are in the process of translation so that i'll follow them.
  10. I mean by main character the protagonist, the one you're supposed to be playing. Yeah that one looks promising but me no japan ;-;
  11. Ah good idea about the list, i mostly avoid lists since i'm mostly lazy to edit it but i guess i'll try to keep this one alive since visual novels take time before you complete them, thus no need to change every day or something. Comyu huh? I guess i'll read it then, i thought for some reason it was bad (hmm maybe i saw a review?).
  12. Well as you can see <------- (Profile image) I've already read that, damn i guess i should edit all the things i've read already in.
  13. Watched the whole thing, i'd say it was funny. But i still don't understand how you maintain a full-time job. It looks like you drifted in your classy weebish presentation that you forgot the reason you made the video. I must commend you good sir for you dedication to your beliefs. That just brings me to tears... when i poop.
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