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LISA is a surreal trip that you must play


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The apocalypse has occurred and there are no women to be found anywhere. You're Brad, a drug addict who happens to find an abandoned newborn baby (how??), and your life changes forever. 



Expect brutal violence


This is a grimdark RPG... for about 15-20 minutes. Then suddenly, it becomes one of the funniest indie games you'll ever play, with exceptional dark comedy. Every situation will be horrible, morbid, and hilarious. It will make you laugh at 1) bullying, 2) drug abuse, 3) indiscriminate murder, 4) disembowelment, and 5) stuff so much worse I wouldn't want to ruin it for you.



You don't want to know what those black lumps used to be.


I have a penchant for dark comedy, but it takes more than twisted imagery to make something funny, and this game's writing is so surprisingly excellent that every single joke delivers. A large part of this is due to the sublime art style and eerie yet catchy psychedelic music (both drawing inspiration from Earthbound) establishing the perfect atmosphere. This game is one of the best examples of the audiovisual side working perfectly in concert with the writing and gameplay to create an incredibly compelling experience. 



Every enemy has a unique sprite full of character. Gather a party before taking on these rude dudes!


Play LISA. It's kind of brilliant. It seems like it flew under a lot of people's radars, but everyone I have talked to who has played it has gushed as much as I have. It's not perfect, combat can be a bit of a clusterfuck, and your party members aren't very well fleshed out, but these are minor issues when you look at the overall package. If you like quirky RPGs or dark comedy, you absolutely cannot pass it up. Here's a quick look Giant Bomb did for it, which will show you a lot of what I'm talking about:


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