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Kickstarer Campaign: NURRD


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Hey everyone. I just wanted to take a moment to show off a Kickstarter campaign being run by an old gaming friend of mine. NURRD is an app for meeting other people with the same interests as you in your area. There are plenty of apps for finding partners out there but this one's specifically for finding people to just hang out with.


Beyond supporting a friend, I think this is a great idea. There aren't a whole lot of (read: any) people in my current course that share my hobbies and, lets face it, it can be nice to talk about the things we love in person sometimes. I can imagine that a lot of people are in a similar position to mine. When you think about other hobbies like table-top gaming and the like, this idea becomes that much more important.


Whether you're interested in face-to-face gaming with others or a group to watch your favorite anime with, I'd be very grateful if you could take a look at the page.




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