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Castle Fantasia 2's No-Skip Gameplay Lie/Policy


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This is perhaps one of the biggest liabilites of any visual novel whatsoever. The visual novel Castle Fantasia 2, released in 2000, is set in a fictional world beset by drawn-out civil war, class warfare, and constant sectarian violence. While it may seem appropriate to include "battle-oriented" mini-games in the visual novel, the turn-based gameplay gets rather dull and stale incredibly fast, so much so that it's almost a bother just to play the thing due to its redundancy and tedious nature. According to several sources, once you complete the game, you are automatically granted the option of skipping the gameplay so as to streamline the completion of the other routes of the heroines. However, such is apparently not the case as I have completed the thing three times but to no avail. Can anyone explain why that is?

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