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Has anyone ever considered a re-edit of the Ever17 translation?


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Hello, Zodai here.


So, after downloading Ever17 and Hoshizora from Fuwa to add to my backlog, I decided to open up Ever17 first.


Long story short, as an author, the prose seems...ameturish.  From the Fuwa page information I'm assuming it's the same as the Official release script, but even so it doesn't quite seem to do very well > <


Has anyone ever considered re-editing the script to a higher degree of quality?  I myself would do it, but I'm currently in the process of playing through it and the project would likely involve spoilers, in addition to the fact that it would be a side project as I'm also trying to find a chance to get my own stories written.

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Ive read one route from the game and didn't find anything wrong with it, it was excellent quality for me.


If you feel you can improve it than you are free to do so, but I think there are better uses for a good editor on games that clearly lack editing and would benefit it much more.

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