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Finally doing Majikoi A

Dark Ariel7

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*This thread WILL contain SPOILERS for Majikoi A-2.*

I ask that you please not discuss any further than the parts that I talk about. Thank you

I have been leveling up my japanese for the time when I will read Benkei. That time is not yet here. I am however here because I am going to be reading A-2 to practice for Benkei. I am reading the Seizo and Monshiro routes. 

Monshiro after is actually not that great. I don't have any complaints except maybe that it was painful to see all of the other girls be disappointing after I married. Broke my heart. particularly Tatsuko. I have been waiting forever for her route.

So far the Mon route has been much easier to read. The events and excitement are a bit lacking but the story is still very enjoyable. I am as of now a little after the Snowball fight and after Valentines. How much of it is left?

The Seizo route is more interesting than the mon route but also considerably harder to read. I just started and I am busting my ass to try to keep up. I like Kou U. Her personality is just great. I am right after Yamato sees her naked for the first time in the empty classroom.


What is HaOu? Something to do with king.

Is there anything that I should really know about Kou U(in real life) to make Seizo's character better?

Any special or odd terms that pop up often I should know about?



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