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Grisaia Unrated Font Problem


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Hey guys, I've encountered pretty big problem for me. Wanted to start Grisaia's today and have some fun, but...


The problem lies in font. I'm really accustomed to full-screen mode and I have strange squares/things around text when I'm playing on it (1920x1080) I also found out that even on 1280x720 I have the same problem, it doesn't occur on 1024x576 in windowed mode. Tried 576 on fullscreen, the same problem. I have almost everything set to japanese, maybe that's the problem.

Here's how it looks.



OR maybe it have to do something with this? But tested Billinear on native(576) and it looks good...



Here's a way better example of what the problem is:




It may not looks that bad on screens, but believe me, when text is moving etc. the boxes/squares/border behind the text is also moving, and it just looks bad and it's not that pleasant to look at. I don't think I'll be able to play this one on 576 :(


Anyway, please help.

Thanks in advance.

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Adding better image showing the problem :/ I was trying to fix it for 2 hours, trying changing settings, or even text config/font files, changing fonts etc. nothing works for 1920x1080. All I can do for now is to play the game on 1024x576 when setting my Full Screen Resolution in BootMenu.exe to 1024x768. The game looks alright but window is small. I even tried changes in 3d Nvidia Settings. Any ideas? What bothers me is this:


font lane in here shows something strange, could anybody show me theirs? Thanks.


Also here's the best screen I could do... Believe me it's annoying, anybody have the same problem? Could anyone show me how the game looks for them in 1920x1080? Thanks



I might try to fix it myself ^^' I like fixing things.

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Took this straight from Denpasofts site (had to redownload it anyway, last d/l was corrupted, bleh)




For the game to run properly please run the game with "BootMenu.exe", this is included in the download. After please click on "Start". This will insure the fonts required for the game is loaded properly.
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I thought it's just me, but if you're encountering the same problem...

Anyway, koestl told me that he's gonna tell Doddler about this.

He said that it shouldn't look "this bad" 


We'll see if there's gonna be any fix for this. Maybe I just have too good eyes, because it's really annoying ^^'

"Solution" for now to get high-quality text/font is to set the settings like this:


but it changes your PC resolution aswell, so you can't kinda multitask...

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