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Everything posted by Aciv

  1. I doubt if there is someone who can help me more - that's a thousand help already. Thank you very much for your time! I will look into it as soon as I can. As for the font, the whole game is "bleh" above the native resolution. The only thing that concerns me is the maximum character number as it is shown on your screenshot - I will certainly have to find out how to add new boxes properly. Ah gosh, seriously, whenever I start to translate a game, it either doesn't have enough space on the screen or has a weird font... (I used to translate a game into Hungarian, turned out its font didn't have special accent characters. I edited all the five fonts and drew them myself, then I realized they need a special format to be readable by the game. I sent an email to the company... the only answer I got was "we don't have enough men to handle this problem". Converting 5 files. Wha-) TL;DR I'm really thankful since I am new to this extracting-repacking stuff. I haven't thought someone will explain it so clearly, the best I was hoping for to just get a mass of files to work with.
  2. Oh I see, sorry for the misunderstanding. I will try to find out what engines it uses (probably looking around on various Japanese forums) and then update this topic. Thank you for the heads up!
  3. Even though I promised myself I will firstly translate it and then look for an extractor but I found out it's pretty hard to find one so I start to look for one asap. I wish to translate デュラララ!!3way standoff -alley-. The game files are in .bin format. I tried to look for some solutions how to extract them myself but it turned out to be too complicated for me... Are bin files hard to extract? Or is anyone here willing to help? It would be much appreciated.
  4. Thank you for all the welcomes, it is indeed an active and nice community. Long post is looooooong.
  5. Hello Fuwanovel Community, I am not really good at self-introductions... My name is Adrienn (even though its Hungarian pronunciation is closer to the French Adrienne, in English-speaking countries they pronounce it as Adrian, which creates some funny situations, especially when I am on the phone/Skype and later meeting the person in real life I turn out to be a girl rather than a high-pitched boy... why am I writing so much about it) I am currently a last year student, majoring in English. My second field of study is Japanese. I wish to be a translator or an interpreter (but preferably the first one), translating games and such from Japanese to Hungarian (my mothertongue) and to English. I still have a lot to learn, but that's why I decided to start doing free translations. Even though we practice translation at university and the fact that I am not a fan of visual novels (yet?), I am eager to translate the one I am currently playing with: Durarara!! 3way standoff -alley-. Durarara!! is my all time favourite anime, no wonder I wanted to propose my friend when she lent me her PSP with this game on it. Tee~hee. Currently, I am not dealing with exctracting the scripts, basically because I don't know how much time it will take to translate this game to both languages; but if someone could have a look at it and tell me which extractor/hacking software I should choose, I would be really grateful. As for the time being, I translate the lines one by one and save them to Notepad++ (and also drawing a mindmap to see which routes are still missing). If I am about to finish one or two routes, I will open a thread for it but I don't want to make a mess on the forum in case of dropping the project. Nice to meet you.
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