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Posts posted by CLuBLioN

  1. I like maps from this guy, they're certainly always unique:


    Though I could definitely do better being that this map isn't that hard for an insane. Meh... xD

    Of course, then there's amazing maps like this which are just so smooth to play and yet still relatively fast/jumpy:


    Still can't get over my bad habit of combobreaking out of nervousness.

    If any of you know more amazing maps like these or just amazing in general then I will be glad to dl them. I've already dled pretty much every map posted in this thread since 12 pages ago so far.

    Where can i finds this skin ?

  2. Here's my submission. I spent quite some time and effort on this one, so I'm quite proud of it!  :D


    Are you ready?


    Here we go...!





    It's a masterpiece <3

  3. That post was so good my opinion of Nico grew three sizes this day. I never really thought about how she was the only one to never give up, even though I did very much appreciate her desire to not have u's end. Wonderful post, Nosebleed



    also, Clublion, are you seriously leaving us!? that's so sad...

    I was pretty depressed today but i thought well it's just a game that i like playing so i don't mind starting over but my damn update just keeps stopping at 85% even after i unrooted my android and wiped out everything :(


    Though it's pretty sad when i think about all my UR and SR i had ;(

  4. yeah, that's what a meant :P I have seen a lot of post in other forums of people losing their accounts because of bugs and updating and don't want to lose my acc :c

    I know what you mean i just lost mine myself :( well whatever i got over it quickly. I wish they would use some kind of account system with passwords and stuff .

  5. I think what he means is

    Can you issue a transfer code and then use it whenever or does it expire after some time if you don't use it after issuing it.


    I don't know the answer though.

    It doesn't expire but then you use it you need to issue another one if you wish to transfer again. I'm speaking from my bad experience.


    I saw this on faq page



    After installing the English version on Google Play, upon opening the app, I am stuck on an orange background. No matter how long, it will not load. I've tried reinstalling and trying out the Japanese version of the game and yields the same result. I am using a rooted Android phone on 4.4.2 Kitkat with RootCloak so it avoids the "Illegal access" problem. When trying the Japanese version however, upon opening, it updates with a loading bar 0/39706 and when it reaches 21% it get stuck at the orange screen as per usual. On the Japanese version, when I do it for the first time (fresh install from apk), it opens a webpage "app-adforce.jp/ad/p/jump?_app=947&_rurl=klab-lovelive-jp://", which redirects back to the app and gets stuck on the orange screen as well. Personally I think it's because i'm rooted. Any ideas on how to fix this?

    • RootCloak apparently doesn't work anymore, so it gives you the orange screen. Supposedly, disabling SU access in SuperSU for the first time and then using RootCloak afterwards works. Someone also said that using RootCloak 1.3 instead of 1.4 works for them, but you'll probably have to do your own tests. My phone isn't rooted so I can't say for sure. --Menma (talk) 07:51, 13 May 2014 (PDT)
    • Okay, I tried unrooting my phone. The app works no problem. Then I tried disabling SU access (SuperSU --> Settings --> Enable Superuser is unchecked) then adding the app to RootCloak, the app started no problem. Then I tried using a different version of RootCloak, the app got stuck at the orange screen. In conclusion, SU access is the culprit. Also, disabling SuperSU but NOT using RootCloak will lead to the "Illegal Access" problem. I'm not sure about Superuser but with SuperSU, this is how you fix it. I'll leave this here in case anyone needs a reference. Thanks for the suggestions Menma!


    Man you saved me i love you <3 :D

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