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Vorthod Wiler

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Posts posted by Vorthod Wiler

  1. couldn't text wrapping automatically be done by inserting a carriage return character at the end of the line n where n is the max number of characters that can fit on a single line within the dialog box? Single byte ASCII characters, of course.

    While that is possible in Japane

    se, there are some issues that a

    rise when attempting such a thi

    ng in English


    That being said, this game actually does do that already despite the fact that they also hard coded in every single line break in the scripts. It was incredibly confusing when I put together my first script and tried it in the game but would end up with a single letter overflowing onto the next line right before I put in my own \n character. There could be some potential to do it in a program by only breaking to the next line when you see the spacebar character, but there also is the problem of where do you split the text into a separate text box to make it sound as seamless as possible if the English line goes longer than four lines? It's certainly possible to get something decent with code, but I think a human eye is going to be best for that kind of job.

  2. (oh the forums are finally back up)

    Are you able to get that back into a .bin though? I suppose you'd just have to read though the normal extract and then read from the other file if you hit an opcode that does text.


    Oh, no, nothing that fancy. I just meant that MangaGamer wants files that put the English line by the Japanese one so previously I've had to run through each event manually to extract the Japanese text. Now that you've made a program that can actually parse the files (including putting in missing character names in those files), I've been able to make a separate piece of code that modifies the extract functionality to give me the Japanese side of the scripts in seconds, but the new program can't compile anything, it's just for making scripts (which is why I'm keeping your original program around). I would have also experimented with being able to compile those Jap-Eng scripts into .bin files, but the text wrapping in this game would simply be too big of a hurdle for me to consider it.

  3. Much appreciated. I'll go ahead and update my stuff. Thanks again :D


    EDIT: Messing around with your code, I also managed to make a variation of it that extracts the text into a readable Japanese script that looks identical to the manual agth extractions i had been using before. Since MangaGamer is going to want scripts that alternate between Japanese lines and their English translations, this just shaved a huge chunk of time off of my future scripts, so thanks once more for your hard work. :D 

  4. Now I should just mention for the sake of the people reading this: We are trying to do this in collaboration with MangaGamer and they don't seem to do partial patches, so I wouldn't get your hopes up too high for that; it's MG's call on that field. However this has already been very helpful to our image editor as he has already been able to identify and work on certain issues that showed up involving text size and whatnot. Not to mention It might be easier for editors to work on the text if they can see it alongside the dialogue as it's spoken, but that's not my field so I'm not sure how it will truly affect the editing side of things. Basically, this looks like it will be quite helpful in maintaining the quality of the release.

  5. You are able to get to any chapter and any character event from the main menu as long as you have seen them in the game itself (and have completed the game at least once).


    Anyway, as for the file replacement....oh my god, was it really that easy the whole time!? Seriously, just dropping the bin file into the main folder was enough!?


    Christ, that's embarrassing. Thanks a bunch for all your help.

  6. Alright, I've gone in and decompiled a script, edited the first line to my translated version and recompiled it. The question now is, how do i get this new .bin file to actually show up in game? This was the main problem I was having back when I was trying to work this out myself. Having a folder named "bin" or "bin.arc" with all the binaries inside is not recognized by the game, so did you have a way to compile everything back into an actual archive file?


    EDIT: I should also mention that when i ran -c2 on the scripts folder that was created in the -e2 step, the program skipped over most of the files (including the nov_sn files). the only things it brought were "Auto_SN00###_###" files and "SN######" files

  7. Alright, I am completely unfamiliar with python, so this is likely my fault. Am I not supposed to run this through cmd or something?



    It's saying your code has invalid lines in it, but since I don't know the specifics of the python print function I can't tell why it's complaining. Would you mind giving me a full example command just so i can see how I'm supposed to run this?

  8. I suppose the game isn't capable of reading in bin.arc as a folder named bin or bin.arc either?


    I have tried that and I don't believe it worked, but any sort of file replacement is a pain in the butt with this game in the first place. For example, I recently gave one of our new translators a 100% save game file to put into their game. They put the file in, overwrote the old one, and the game still was using the old data when we started the program again. This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened  either. My point with this is that it's insanely hard to tell if something like the "bin.arc as a folder" plan works because the game seems to be capable of storing a cache of all its old data or something. (I do remember that we eventually got it to work for someone else a while back, so it doesn't seem like we're using the wrong file or something...I just don't know how to force the game to update it's cache)


    Well then, that doesn't sound too fun, does it ever feel awkward btw? Or are you too focused on translating.


    Depends on who you ask. Our main YouTube guy avoids putting any of the H-scenes on YouTube not only because of the site's guidelines, but also because he feels like he's writing some crappy fanfiction or something whenever things get dirty. As for me, I find that taking the time and focus to analyze how every single line is put together and thinking of a way to transmit the same intentions in English is an impressively effective buzzkill. If I feel anything towards H-scenes in general, it's that romanizing all the weird noises that show up in those scenes can become a massive bore after you've gone through half of an hour-long H-scene. If I was going through the scenes much faster than I am currently able to, then it might become a bit awkward, but imagine you're watching a porno online and over 80% of the time you're sitting there is spent just watching the video buffer and getting random spikes of general lag. At that point, there's going to be more pressing matters on your mind than the actual contents of the video...That's how translating H-scenes pretty much goes.

  9. Pretty good progress, and yea i'm sure none of us mind the checking and editing you'll have to do after you're done with translation. While the h-scene percent is low gotta remember that they will consist mostly of *ahem* ahhhs ooohs and oooos, so easier translation there.


    Since I'm the only person who's actually contributed to that 9%, I suppose I'm the only one who can say anything here. While you aren't entirely incorrect about the moaning and...other noises noises being a majority of lines in H-scenes, I can't exactly say they are easier to translate for two reasons:

    1) The female characters in this game have a bad habit of trying to speak while...vocally impaired. Their voices are often slurred, muffled, or broken up by gasps which increases the difficulty by a non-insignificant amount.

    2) The H-scenes are LOOOOOOOOONG! Here's an example: I have run most of the Shunran/Shuuran events on auto mode and filmed them for the sake of putting subtitles on them. Nearly all of them clock in at just under 30 minutes except for events 9 and 11 (The two that contain H-scenes). These two scenes last more than 90 minutes each; 30 minutes for some preliminary event stuff and the remaining hour is H (nice endurance, Kazuto).


    So yeah...hooray that the players get a really long time to enjoy the H-scenes in this game, but for the translators, they are something of a nightmare

  10. That is amazing, and I am super impressed with the speed of the project.


    ...I mean, I'm not completely positive on where you were before, and I know the project's not done just because the little bar hits 100, but still.  Good show!


    Back when I joined a little over a quarter of a year ago (Holy crap, has it really been that long already!?) The translation progress was maybe around 35-40% However, these are all percentages for the first pass of rough translations. Going through some of my old scripts (and watching some of the videos on youtube) there are some big mistranslations that will require another translational pass or two to iron out. So once we hit 100% in translation, unfortunately, we will probably need to do something of a second run of translations just to make sure the editors have the most accurate stuff to work with. 50-60% sounds nice but this game is so absolutely massive that it will require a lot of post-process work to get presentable

  11. I've managed to do all that extraction just fine, and I believe Nov_SNbac001.bin is Bachou's first side event ("Bac" represents the character name). The unpacking isn't all that hard (in fact all the images on the facebook page were photoshopped using unpacked images from the game files already), but putting it all back into a bin.arc file is a nightmare. Not to mention that the coding for this game is an absolute mess and it will sometimes be able to load in old versions of files that have been completely replaced/removed from the installation folder (It made giving one of our potential translators a 100% save a real mess). If you're able to actually show some results in modifying anything in the game, I would absolutely love to see it and hear more.

  12. We are currently unable to stick the text into game files as the coding for this game is beyond insane in many respects (I've tried to hack the data into the game myself). However, MangaGamer has offered to take care of that side of development for us if we can get the translational side finished for them. That being said, personally i would be quite happy if we could get the text into the game ourselves for play-testing purposes as that would make things a lot easier in the editing process. So my question is this: Have you actually gone into this game's data and changed the text and such in any way?

  13. Also another thing, and feel free to tell me that I am wrong( PLEASE TELL ME I AM WRONG) but weren´t there characters that in the original Romance of the Kingdoms were little girls, one of the emperors, if I remember correctly from the time i googled the romance to see what it was before I played koihime.But if I am correct, please tell me they are not going to do what I think they are going to do.


    I'm not sure why you are hoping to be wrong so much here; are you afraid of more Chousens popping up or something? There are indeed characters in the original Romance of the Three Kingdoms that are female and will be showing up in Eiyuutan, but that isn't a bad thing. I mean, yes, BaseSon did turn the most famous beauties of the era (Chousen and Himiko) into macho men, but they also turned the Bow-hip princess, Sun Shangxiang, into Sonshoukou which ended up being a rather fun addition. Eiyuutan has two or three empress characters who show up and i am pretty sure each one of them is female since i've seen the sprites and thumbnails for just about every new character (though they still havent released all of them)

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