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Posts posted by Yeokso

  1. A bit late, but a big Happy New Year ~ from me. :D



    It'll be interesting to see what the tier 1 and 2 cutoffs are gonna be after the event, considering the Umi event was chaotic with the highest tier cutoffs ever (for token events), I wanna see if in this upcoming Nico EN event whether the tier cutoffs will come close to the Nico JPN event or surpass it, because if it doesn't come even close to it, then I would say alot more people during the Umi event wanted that second SR Umi really badly (because its gorgeous <3) and that the costume on Nico (idolized) sucks hard imo. However if the tier cutoffs surpasses the JPN counterparts, then I'll say that either the EN players is now spending more gems to restore their LP on a regular basis or theres an influx of new players wanting the event SR cards badly (which I doubt) or maybe the regular players got a lot more time, I don't know, it's all speculation but I look forward to the results. :)


    Guys ~ Remember what happen in Nico's first event? (Only one I remembered -_- )

    I can already see the craziness happening again.


    I'm going to simply guess that players are just gemming more in general. Much more easier on my brain.

    Although I'm a bit sad that I've only seen one veteran player since I came back.

    What happen to Mokoi ~ :(

  2. Well, well, well look who we have here. Your avatar's in my signature xD

    Welcome back, Yeokso. I'm Eclipsed. Me and Praeliator joined this thread around late September~

    Don't feel awkward :3


    Hi Eclipsed ~

    I feel like I'm part of your battling team with my profile image in your signature. (≧∇≦)


    Thanks for the encourage. It's just simply been so long since I've last came here.

    Actually have a lot to talk about, but I'll hold them in for the time being. xP

  3. Welcome back! Of course I remember (I think), weren't you the crazy spammer back in the first Umi event?

    Ahaha. That sounds about right.

    It seems like you've took over that role now. (^~^)


    Nice to meet you Praeliator ~


    I don't know what else to say after that. ヾ(´・ ・`。)ノ”

    よろしくおねがいします.  ( >_< )

  4. By the final day, anyone can be first if they spent enough love gems, but higher rank people have to use less to be first


    75 exp is optimal because you can do 3 expert songs

    I have 66 exp right now so I can do 3 experts and 1 hard but I think it's enough to get first place for a while.

    And higher rank = more sleeping hours as well.


    Ah ~The joy of being able to sleep for 8 hours.  :P 

    I cannot wait till that extends to 10.

  5. Just did a 10+1 and got 2 Hanayo SRs. Wasn't too happy as Hanayo was one of my least favourite idols so I paid for another 10+1 and got this




    I'm satisfied  :)  Now I have a UR leader for all 3 of my teams. Kinda wish those URs were Nicos though.

    *Flips table*

    Your posts are literally the most frustrating to read about. How many URs do you have now!?

    Two in one draw as well.

    And congratulations, but I'm still annoyed by your luck.

  6. Listening to Nawatobi just make me want to cry.

    Hanayo's voice is simply amazing. She needs more of this!!


    At first I felt the song was like a confession from Hanayo. Sort of imagining this being animated, etc.

    Then looking up the lyrics, it more or less is like a confession which made it even better.

    Gah ~ Beautiful song.

  7. I feel really bad for you Nosebleed... :(

    Honoka has been haunting you for a good time now.


    Why are you still wasting money on this game is beyond logic; I wouldn't waste a penny on LL:SIF. This game is a pure P2W thing like any other game with game design revolving around mechanics, which include points that can be refilled in order to continue. With money you can rank up easily and this game is that stupid to actually reward and give benefits to people, who are on the very top of rank lists. And even if you will one day reach that top, there will be always people a lot higher than you and there's no actual way to compete with them. In TERA I could at least wipe the ground with all those self-proclaimed pros due to pure skill, but here there's literally nothing that can be done to remain competitive; it's not worth it, either. It's truly frustrating.

    There are plenty of scenarios (or F2P games) that are a complete waste of cash to spend on, yet people do it anyway. Maybe they love LL wholeheartedly, or just filthy rich, or just don't care, orrr ~ all of the above.


    If they like it, they'll spend money on it. Simple as that.

    Trying to logically process that fact just wouldn't work if you don't share the same opinion.


    And while gathering event points is indeed P2W in the sense of unlimited cash = unlimited LP. I'll defend those top ranked players simply for their efforts. If you can't put in an absolutely ridiculous stamina and time (especially for the guy in top 1 Eli event), no amount of cash is gonna get you anywhere.


    EDIT: And getting top 1 doesn't bring any rewards aside from personal pride anyway. The cut-off for the tiers are more or less fine compared to JP.

    Still P2W though, not arguing about that.

  8. Now that I looked at her she is pure Rin which gives stamina so when she yelled i touched her and got points I believe at the same time another girl's skill activated too and I didn't realize? Cause she didn't say anything

    The second time I heard Nico's doki butI was focusing on Rin so I didn't touch and didn't get points was because they were both stamina :D it explains :D

    Lol just how hard I was making this game for myself even looked at where and when the notes go -.-

    Well thanks now I just need to do FC and as many perfects as I can :D

    If more than one skill activates at the same time during the short flash indicator, only one of them will make a sound by random. It would have been annoying if that wasn't the case...

    You only need the strongest card in the centre for maximum points (assuming it's a single trait team).

    But yea, FC and perfects are the way to go ~

  9. Anyone knows of a rough estimate of love gems required for top 200 event ranking? Would like to estimate how many love gems I would need to prepare for the Maki score match that's in a few months time.

    A safe number would be ~40ish, at least.

    It can be more/less depending on how you spread out your gem usage and the girl's popularity.


    I'm not too sure about Maki since her event will be a score match. I'd still say prepare at least 40 gems.

  10. I get that i'm lucky probability wise for getting a UR. But some of you got a Nico SR and I'd be screaming in happiness if i got one, yet you weren't pleased.

    Why? Because it's not the one you want or need and that doesn't feel good.

    That's why i'm not really pleased with this Hanayo, I don't want or need this card. 

    Sure I got to idolize her and level her up to 100 and that's nice but her ability is worthless to me and all i'm getting out of her is 1 love gem from her side story.

    It's not the worst of the worst, it could be a Rare, but out of every single card available it's just not really something that makes me feel rewarded.

    -First world problems- :D

    Don't worry, I'm sure all of us here know how you feel, "it's great, but just not what I want" sums it up nicely.

  11. So all this talk about a possible rollback, and I'm sitting here wondering if I should do a 10+1 for that SR Umi.

    But after reading through everyone's misfortune for the past few pages... Nope. Not doing it. :D

    Very very tempted though. But I'll wait for the UR Umi instead.

    And Nosebleed, you got an UR and that alone is amazing.

  12. So now that the event is over, I feel I can finally post this for everyone to see. LL BD vol 2 just arrived today and I took quite a few pictures. :P

    I also have close-ups of the news article if anyone is interested in translating them.

    Back to listening Magnetic today ~


    Front/Back Cover




    BD disks



    News article [Extra]







    For Nosebleed :D


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