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Posts posted by Psycho

  1. alright here we go numerical order


    Google (i've tried, it's hard to live without)

    kickasstorrents (kickass.to, also pretty hard to live without)

    mcleodgaming (forums)



    myanimelist (MAL)


    amiami (for my anime figures and merch)

    jjgames (super cheap great quality video games, used games are essentially brand new)


  2. first anime was ghost in the shell (the first movie) if you count it

    if not then it was naruto


    technically my first manga was kagerou days, but i didn't really start actively reading it right away

    i DID start actively reading jojo's bizzare adventure though

  3. Welcome to the forums! Making titles is hard sometimes ;_; but, enjoy your stay!

    Hiya~ Nice to meet you!


    hai hai, nice to meet you guys as well, thanks for the welcomes :>


    Cute is justice!


    or as i like to say, only kool kats krave kawaii kyuuties


    i totally live for cute anime girls (ノ´∀`)

  4. Damn I'm so hyped with No Game No Life, it's being so awesome ;_;


    omg same


    tbh i thought it was going to be another mondaiji-tachi, but WOW has it surpassed that

    almost makes me sad that it's only 12 episodes, but i guess a 2 cour anime like this would be asking too much


    also the colors are so vibrant i almost want to cry

  5. thanks for the welcomes guys! i shall stay forever.................... (@ ‿ @)

    I'll write down all of these rec's, so thanks for those too



    Welcome to the forums! Those faces you use are actually so funny, rofl.

    lol thank you, i try :>


    You know, I'm running out of facepalm gifs. Also, it's Mariana Trench.


    To Psycho:

    I apologize for nearly derailing this topic. Don't worry, most of the fuwanovel populous aren't generally like this. Fun fact; 'monmon' means 'dysfunctional' in ancient latin.


    EDIT: HAH!! I editted that dysfunctional! Mon has nothing against me now!


    no, it's fine! in fact, i'd feel more comfortable with a bit of disorganization


    you could even say i...........


    NEED IT (」゚ペ)」


    to Psycho:

    i'm sorry Dim being a tsun...oh n its dysfunctional.

    tsun's are so adorbs though (ノ´∀`)

    so it's fine


    Welcome to the forums! The power that emits from your intro is great indeed.

    t-that was my intention, r-rumble-senpai.....

    i am glad that you acknowledged it and noticed me

    lol thanks for the welcome.



    that is one extremely kawaii girl aaaaaaaaaaaaa

  6. Welcome among us! Enjoy your stay, and read a lot of visual novels! ^^


    Have a cake:


    But be careful, it can hurt!



    thank you, thank you.

    that cupcake is metal as frick


    also chocolat is a super cute anime girl, so good taste!


    Osu!Osu!welcome n hve fun.

    enjoy a pun

    Yesterday I accidentally swallowed some food coloring. The doctor says I'm OK, but I feel like I've dyed a little inside.


    Read others vn too! especially Sharin or grisaia!


    bahahaha omg that was so terrible

    you seem funny, let's get along..... onii-chan


    also i'll check out those VN's ASAP!


    Futanovel. I'm sure that'll be the forum's next April fool's joke...


    Looks like we have another Monmon here  <_<

    Well, welcome to fuWanovel. You'll get along well here, especially with that certain attitude of yours. Be sure to stick around!

    Have a NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE....


    ouch, you don't seem too thrilled, buddy :<

    monmon seems like a rad guy!

    thanks for the welcome though :>




    I belive you

    .... Well forget what I say earlier :P

    that aside

    Welcome here and have a weird stay ;)

    Read Sonohana serie

    and have a yuri : 



    haha, thanks for the welcome and for the rec!

    i'll check it out later.

    *sees yuri pic*


    i think we'll get along juuuuust fine hehehuehuehue


    Welcome on the forum

    Enjoy your stay !

    And read Clannad !

    thanks :>

    also, i'll try to read clannad

    it's so mainstream that i was really disinterested, but i'll give it a go i guess


    Welcome to Futa! Have a weird painting:



    I recommend Clannad, it's a masterpiece.

    Hope to see you aroud some more, and it seems that I will ;)


    lmao i accept your welcome to futa.

    that photo is definitely paul the alien, and is automatically great so thank you

    second clannad rec? i guess i should read it after all


    i definitely will be around! hope we can be friends ^w^



    Welcome to fakkunovel please enjoy your stay


    haha fakku. so many possibilities


    thanks a bunch for the welcome, guy.


    HELLO DOOD!!!!

    welcome to fuwanovel and enjoy your stay~ XD



    lol thanks for the sexy welcome

  7. HEY FUWA !!


    heads up, i don't use too much """"proper"""" punctuation / capitalization since it's alot faster to write like this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    although, sometimes i use exclamations for sarcasm and jokes hehehe


    aaaaaanywhosies, i'm psycho, for those of you who are too lazy to look a few inches to the left!

    i'm an 18 year old anime girl from murrika (the US). clearly i'm not REALLY an anime girl but a guy can dream!

    also i'm a total weeb and i'm extremely into anime, manga, anime figures, cute anime girls, video games, and recently, visual novels.

    i will absolutely be in your face about it 100% of the time !!

    you should also know i take almost nothing seriously. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

    most of the things i say will be bad jokes and puns, tbh

    i'm not 12 though, so if it comes time for me to be mature, then i shall be just that ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ


    a buddy of mine recently got me into VN's by telling me to read fate/stay night.

    that shit was amazing, so i started reading a few others (Swan song, True rememberance, Wanko to Kurasou).

    I'd appreciate it if you guys can name me some cool VN's too :>


    uhhhhh, if you wanna know anything about me, shoot me a PM or something

    i'm not a real secretive person, and i love making new friends!


    bai bai for now, fuwa-san. i'm off to get some shut eye, as i have to go to work in a few hours (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ


    P.S. i totally thought the name of this site was futanovel for the longest while.

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