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Everything posted by HolyGRUNT100

  1. Edit: FUCKING DOUBLE POST! \/ \/ \/ \/ Sorry Mon-kun. Still getting used to these boards. They're really different from my usual haunts. I'll pay in images or Gifs as punishment\/ \/ \/ \/
  2. I keep hearing great things about Grisaia. It's in my backlog, but would you guys recommend moving it up to the forefront of VN's I should be playing? I'm going to polish off the FATE route of Fate Stay Night then probably pick up a new one before doing the other routes later. Oh jeez man. I think it's nearing a decade since I last full out cried, since it's been around 9 years. I just had a completely uncalled for emotional meltdown with my mom while just talking before going to sleep. Fucking bawled my eyes out for a good 10 minutes. Honestly, I think it's because I have such a hard time showing my full emotions. I'll show them on day to day basis, but the full extent is held well in check. The problem is it's only the negative emotions I scale back, so they probably build up. To be honest, I'm probably overdue for my once every 10~years breakdown. My dog died, and I had an emotionally trying breakup. When the later happened, something snapped in me for about 2 weeks. I couldn't be in silence, or I'd go crazy. It's like silence had a sound and it would give me the most painful migraines. So I basically left the entire One Piece anime series running from episode 1 to like 500 constantly, even when trying to go to sleep or showering. If anything, since that happened I'm even better at hiding my emotions when I want too. I'm not entirely sure it's healthy... Ah fuck, I just went all heavy on everyone Ah well, I figure ibthing to the internet just bought me like an extra year or two before it happens again
  3. Yeah, rape just REALLY doesn't sit well with me. It's the thing that kills a VN the fastest for me. If a scene is bad enough with it, I'll drop a VN entirely, even if other routes don't have it. School Days comes to mind here. What an awesome way to make a VN/tv cross, only to fuck it up fantastically. No need to thank me. WHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYY?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really should have clarified what I meant. I like emotionally mature woman, and I don't mind dating woman in excess of my age, up to 30 years old. (I'm 23) Since the two usually go hand in hand, mature (emotionally) older (than me by 2-7 years) are the best. MILF's are nice, but I don't want to get into that. , I'll agree that it was kind of weird, but It even mentions the VERY NEXT SCENE how happy she looked the next morning. I highly recommend doing Chris' route, but I may be in the minority here. Oh, I wasn't as upset when I saw how she took it afterwards, or even right after the start. Its the fact that it came down to having to resort to that to begin with that really made me mad. To me, does not enhance a story. If guro is a boner killer for most people in VNs, for me aforementioned content just chops it right off. I feel like it was forced into the VN for temporary shock value. It felt cheap, in an otherwise great arc, tainting it completely.
  4. Oh, awesome!! Do you know the name of the other one that isnt this one? http://vndb.org/v1560#main And does Hatsune I think a VN where its Moege with a few H scenes and a bit of fanservice would be just so, so... Wait, is Majikoi S mostly translated too, like regular Majikoi? (this threads subject) And this still does not redeem Yamato in this arc in my eyes at all. Sounds like they tried to work in a crap excuse for his douchyness.
  5. On a side note, has anyone besides me done Umeko Sensei's route, and did you guy like it? I did and I loved it. Mature ladies really are the best! EDIT: Wow, was trying to edit my post above this, not double post like an ass whilst quoting myself... Sorry guys.
  6. Shit,sorry man. Well, It's not THAT bad. They come to terms after it pretty quick after its done, and she was pretty ok with it basically from the start. Its that fact the he had to force it that way that was awkward. I'm putting the rest in a spoiler because someone might put two and two together and figure out what VN I'm talking about without opening spoilers, but its not actually a spoiler! Please read it.
  7. Cool, thanks! I'm fine as long as it doesnt have unavoidable rape/death of the main girl your after. Even worse if its YOU doing the raping. Also, about that Hatsune VN you linked the VNDB says
  8. Vocaloid is awesome! Well, at least the songs are, I've yet to try any of the games. Though if they had a Vocaloid VN... I'd be watching that like Jun watches Lolis. Wait... IS there a vocaloid VN? I can totally seeing it being real! While it's hard as all hell, when I die in Dark souls, I know its my fault. My timing was off, I got too aggressive, I didn't see that cliff. Very few parts of DS fell cheap to the point of being unfun and unfair. Though in DS1, I supremely hated anything to do with that dungeon with all the poison darts guys.
  9. Ha, no worries! And Wanko to Kurasou looks interesting, the art style looks good. Also, I already have Grisaia in my backlog, its already installed on my PC. But thank you for confirming that it will be good! Now, I just have to finish at least one arc of Fate/Stay Night. This stuffs loooooooong.
  10. I'm glad I've at least heard of that thing so that I could avoid following the link, but still... You're a horrible person MonMon.
  11. I was eating an apple while watching Elfen Lied. I didn't know how damn insane the show was I've yet to eat an apple since that day.
  12. I was eating an apple while watching Elfen Lied. I didn't know how damn insane the show was I've yet to eat an apple since that day.
  13. Never done what before? Eat while playing a VN? It's amazing! I'm engaging my tastes and my mind, everything is great right now. *Munches man'n'cheese* You're all probably going to call me an alien, but I HATE bacon. Something about it is so gross to me. And instant noodles? Like those cup of noodles you just pour hot water into? And I agree, if I go soda, It's usually coke.
  14. I lied. Turns out I'm making Macaroni and cheese while starting for the first time Fate/Stay Night Realta Nua, with all the scenes and images restored. I like ham and cheese and PBnJ. Those there are staples meals of most anyone. Though I prefer Mozzarella cheese myself. Hmmmm, drink? Water, tbh. Beer makes me feel bloated quickly, and I refuse to drink alone. I like soda, but it's the kinda of deal where its a treat for myself when I have it. Too lazy to make tea most of the time too. How about you guys, what are your drinks?
  15. I'm a cheap date lol. I really enjoy eating that 75 cent Chicken flavor Maruchin Ramen by the bowl. Second place is Tacobell or pizza. I'm a simple person. Edit: Alright, leaving for the night. Talking about food got me hungry. Saw no need to double post to say this. You lot behave until I get back!
  16. Okay, lets stop talking about it. Abrupt topic change: Whats your favorite food to eat while reading VN's? GO!
  17. Good lord man, Don't tempt him. We'll be swimming in hardcore guro VN's by the end of the night!
  18. Thanks! On another note, I think I hear Jun approaching...
  19. Ok, I think I managed by uploading it to a separate site in the comments, then linking from there. Note that I don't have anything more advanced than MS Paint at the moment, so it doesn't look great. But not too bad for a first ever gif, If I say so myself! This is how I feel right now waiting for Miyako's route:
  20. Yeah, it took me about 3 days of reading it in my spare time! And I just VNDB'd that title, but theres two listed, Eternal Heart and Wish Upon A Shooting Star. Which is the one you were referring too? Edit: Apparently post image hates Gifs Kynbound. Damn. Any other suggestions?
  21. Ahhhh, I see now. Thanks for clearing that up! Also just followed the link to the two VN's you just posted, they both look very interesting and seem to be my type. My only question here is what does it mean when VNDB says Koiken Otome: Revive is a "Fandisk"? It is a fan made expansion to the normal games plot and heroines? Also, how do I upload an image form my PC straight into the chat? It seems to want to force me to link to something already online -_-
  22. So let me get this straight: Moege is a genre (type?) of VN where its kinda happy go luckyish at the end? Or is it a list of Moe characters? Sorry, I'm a VN newbie Gif stats - 75% done.
  23. Well, perhaps I could beg a VN list from you? Check my post a few posts back, (same page) it says what I'm looking for. Doing so would earn my eternal internet gratitude!
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