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Everything posted by Dhaii

  1. Hey everybody, I deciced I'd introduce myself as it's my first day here. My name is Arthur. I'm buysexual ( You buy me food, and I become sexual ) but if I'm serious - I'm male. I'm from Latvia as not many people know where it is, you can google it, and sorry if there are grammar/spelling mistakes in my typing, as you understood by now, English isn't my native language. I turned 19 recently and I've been into Anime/VN/Reading for quite a while. My favorite anime is probably Naruto, even if it's going to end soon. My favorite visual novel's are - Hoshizora no Memoria , Katawa Shoujo , Snow Sakura , The Sagara Family. There are lot more I've read or still reading, but those are my favorites. Little bit about me. I enjoy spending time with my friends, and when my friends are busy I usually read manga and VN. I play alot of games, such as Skyrim, Fallout, Battlefield and CoD. I think I've ran out of stuff to say so I'll simply say this. I hope I'll get along with everybody. Thank you for reading this.
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