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Status Updates posted by Kuky_nekoi


  2. 1-Wire has become one of the things that I found useful myself.

  3. 1:38AM: Back to home.

  4. 1am. Time to sleep. Seriously.

  5. 3:44AM... Time to sleep to wake up at 7AM! bye guys!~ TwT

  6. 5:41PM... time to sleep. Bye guys.

  7. A cargarle unos temas de GWAVE al celu, y a dormir....

  8. A friend of mine is inviting me to go for a walk... [1. "Well.. ehh.. ok, let's go!"] [2. "No"] [3. "I don't like sunlight... "] #realnovel

  9. A friend of mine seems angry and sad for some reason... Enough reason to leave my room.

  10. A great lesson that I've learn is to not do extra work. Nobody is gonna to acknowledge it and you will lose your time.

  11. A mosquito has bitten me... AGH~

  12. A new HunterXHunter's manga chapter... http://t.co/JmxUdgoIPc

  13. A veces creo que soy demasiado considerado con las personas equivocadas y a con las que debo serlo no lo soy... Me iré al infierno por eso.

  14. Aaaaaaagggghhhh the fever is back!!!!

  15. Acabo de ver a unos pendejos jugando al "Rin Rin Raja"... Ctm weon, casi me pongo a llorar de la nostalgia... TwT

  16. Afortunadamente acá no existe el WhiteDay...

  17. Afortunadamente, no tomé ramos de programación este semestre.

  18. Again... I feel like my $340 spend on my enrollment fees just went to the trash bin...

  19. Ahora no podré dormir por culpa de nee-sama... Estaré toda la noche sin poder parar de pensar en que hice mal... T^T

  20. Ahora puedo decir con toda propiedad que el profe de física me odia.

  21. Ahora si que me dio tragedia. Alguien digame que esa weá es un bot pls... http://t.co/aoQ6YpIkx3

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