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Status Updates posted by Kuky_nekoi

  1. BuddyComplex is sooooooooo COOOOOOL!!

  2. Just remember... If you're a eroge fan and you have problems learning SQL, here is your solution. http://t.co/0VX66G2QEg

  3. Este semestre me propuse no faltar más a clases... Pero estas clases son taaaaaaan paja... Fucking ramos obligatorios.

  4. I've seen enough hentai to know where #nobunagun's plot is heading... Curse those tentacles.

  5. Destination reached!

  6. Modelo de datos... Listo! A dormir.

  7. RT @KazamatsuriOrg: Key Radio has moved to a new location, and it's currently rockin' out with over 28 hours of Key music! http://t.co/TMIM…

  8. De hecho, ya siento que mi paz se fue ahora que me estoy quejando nuevamente... #banhammer mode on!

  9. I'm too sleepy to code anything...

  10. From green to red our days pass by Waiting for a sign to tell us why Are we dancing all alone?~ https://t.co/pWLh0WSaR6

  11. Ojalá mis ojos fueran una cámara fotográfica para poder grabar por siempre aquel paisaje que veo ahora...

  12. RT @dischangroup: We’ve hit $40k! Incredible! Thank you all for your support so far! https://t.co/tveft0eYkS

  13. Y así... El caos volvió a ser sembrado sobre mi kanban. http://t.co/FaNBafZLdM

  14. such advertisement much effectiveness wow @ltsDoge https://t.co/5UIZqIc3IY

  15. RT @SWELL_CUNT: I want to unfollow myself I can't stand my own bullshit anymore

  16. RT @RepubGrlProbs: I don't understand modern day feminists. They reject femininity but try to feminize men, and demand equality but ask for…

  17. Estas serán las dos semanas más lentas de mi vida... Estoy seguro de ello.

  18. Profile updated, mails answered, changes committed Now I can rest in pieces.

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