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Status Updates posted by Kuky_nekoi

  1. RT @Joshawott: My thoughts regarding #Nintendo's mysterious "8.0" #3DS firmware update. http://t.co/gsRHMfRFCm

  2. RT @Shidomotion: La serie de TV de Kantai Collection, prevista para estrenarse en verano 2014, llegará finalmente en invierno 2015: http://…

  3. RT @shcboomer: @flareon_shiny @KeyKanon_ Might as well share this, I got the link from a friend earlier today. http://t.co/LT6NYcjZ9Y

  4. It has been ages since the last time that I've read a novel using "Batman's Style"... Skipping all the text... Well... It's Asuho route.

  5. Último intento por estudiar física.

  6. "No porn, but perfect translations" #mephstream

  7. Ok, now I'm pumped! I don't care about my cold, I'm not gonna break my 3-weeks-attendance-streak! 4-weeks here we go!~

  8. There were a loli in the eshop cover of #bravelyDefault... That's enough to make me download it.

  9. Finally! I've successfully calibrated my guitar. Yay!

  10. RT @akihisa202: 出遅れ感あるけどざっくり描いたから上げとく #桜Trick http://t.co/CJ4X9WuMUK

  11. RT @Zucchin_: There's a reason they call VN fandiscs "fapdiscs" y' know

  12. RT @z411_cl: recordatorio de que yukiho en im@s1 se hace la dormida para que la toques, y le gusta porque no baja la comunicación http://t.…

  13. Por qué me borraste de face ;_;? — No borré a nadie de facebook. Borré el facebook completo, que es algo comple... http://t.co/JXhjf7imkG

  14. Windows 8 culiao me tiene chato... No puedo jugar VNs, no puedo usar mi bluetooth... NO PUEDO HACER NADA!!

  15. Well... I'm exausted. Being a /normal/ univ student again is a tiring thing... Kud nite~~ <3

  16. What can I say now... My mind is working at 110% even if I only slept 4 hours.

  17. I wonder why imouto ignores me again...

  18. Mi frase favorita: "wat!?"

  19. RT @ohiowar: @KuKy_NeKoi @cryofrzd Good luck with sleeping. If work better when your not on twitter

  20. RT @sekaiproject: WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.01 has been Greenlit! Thanks for all your support!!!!

  21. Es increíble lo que puede hacer una disipación activa... Bajó la temperatura del invento de 70~80 °C a ~20 °C

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