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Status Updates posted by Kuky_nekoi

  1. RT @tomhayes_sd: In 2004 I bought a router @ Walmart & instead of a router the box contained a bag of dirt with the word PUTO on it. http:/…

  2. Fuwanovel's main site and forums are back. Good bye productivity and social life, it was fun (?) while it lasted.

  3. I don't regret it tho. Its just... I don't know. Its hard to deal with this things.

  4. Mi kokorozón se detuvo por un momento...

  5. I want to stay awake to watch #mephstream but I have to go to univ early tomorrow... @yaboyaldred I'm counting on you to take some cute SCs

  6. Having a void pointer in your stomach it's the worst...

  7. My insommnia got worse... This is my second day so far, in a couple of hours it will be the 3rd...

  8. Ok. I've seen some weird nanoha shit on a booru. Not sure if I could sleep this night... So creepy...

  9. Alguien me puede explicar eso de las barras de granola!? D: Mi TL está infestado de ellas...

  10. RT @colexicoillogic: "Mi hija pasó de 'Jesús es mi señor nada me faltará' a 'no puedo pasar E-5, Dios no existe'" -La mamá de @ShittyPotato

  11. Y eso que no soy el culpable esta vez.

  12. Well. Time to sleep. It's almost 5am... TwT

  13. What do you think people should do more often? — To read. http://t.co/2zzaNwzAxI

  14. RT @zakamutt: If Zakamutt is retweeted 15 times, then tweet like a loli for the next 15 tweets. #rt_dare http://t.co/Y6C3RCYXAu || seems f…

  15. Now that I think about it... I don't have any childhood friends at all.

  16. Confirmado. No puedo traducir CloverDays... No puedo escribir si es que estoy en modo HHHNNNGGGG todo el tiempo que la estoy leyendo.

  17. RT @1ho1118: おめ!!! #美琴ちゃん生誕祭 http://t.co/J5AKCqJEei

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