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Posts posted by Tomoya_senpai

  1. Aww. :3


    I was playing a really cute song not too long ago, too. Came really close to FC'ing, but slider break. XD Map's surprisingly challenging.



    Decided not to focus purely on AR9 for now. Just gonna slowly transition into it with harder AR7 maps.



    Yeah i like this map too it was a bit work t "S" rank all of them but it'S a good training map. And I should take a break from osu I see how bad I'm sucking now x.x Q_Q



  2. Double time don't mean that the song is on souble speed I found it out by the man "long stream practice map" I put the map with 170BPM on DT and I had 220BPM not 340BPM. Double time is just the name of the mode but it don't mean that everything is on double speed :D

  3. Shoot for it, man. I actually remember getting 14 PP off a map just by improving my 95% to a 97%.


    It'll probably be a while before I get another FC. I'm putting all my focus into adjusting to AR9. Making really good progress so far.




    This map is fun as hell to practice on, too. If anyone ever asks for something to start them off on AR9, this is definitely something worth suggesting. The music's awesome too.

  4. Hello there, 

    I'm alive and back at home (this forum) I still don't know how iften I can visit this forum because I have still plenty things to do and problems to reloslve. But I checked the status of my favourite VN <3. I wish the translation team plenty of luck and I hope we can enjoy soon (maybe in 2 years XD) this masterpiece with our goddess Mare ^^

  5. Hello guys,


    I'm alive and back to this forum (many thing are happened zero energy to explain) but I'm finally back with my first f*** up with this map XD I got a bit better but I still want to get better. I played this with full combo and an "S" but my osu crashed and now I can't play this map perfect xD213eb82494.png

  6. Can someone give me some tips how to train for souble taping? how can I get faster? I can be fast just the fingers don't want to be faster. Do anyone has an Idea?


    And Nosebleed thanks for the osu round yesterday it was very funny with you and my master :D

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