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  1. Thanks to all, really fast and helpful answers. I'll try Sugar's delight first as it seems light and nice, and maybe G-senjou or Hoshizora no memoria then. Kono Oozora Ni Tsubasa wo Hirogete looks great too. (I usually decide just by two or three images to see how is the art and let the plot for when I start the VN). Btw, there wasn't any need for them to be yuri, but it's true that I usually like them more. Also, It might be quite a basic thing but, what is the meaning of nukige, mentioned about the Sono Hanabira series? And sorry for taking this time to answer after how fast you did, but I am from Spain and so I went to bed after posting this.
  2. Hi all, I have to say that I haven't actually gone through many VNs, but the ones that I completed felt really satisfying and so, after reaching failure trying some more, I have decided to ask for recommendations. The ones that I have enjoyed most are without any doubt: - A kiss for the petals series. Not all of the couples, but it was a long time ago and I cant remember names. (The student and the teacher couple for example wasn't for me and it ended up dropped) - Lonely yuri. Even thought i usually like better VNs with 18+ scenes, I enjoyed this short romantic one a lot, and something similar would be amazing. Also, I'll clarify that I am not looking for something with gameplay. Well, I am not sure if i can call it that as I haven't played many and I know little, but what I mean is that, as I watch tons of anime, I prefer something just with images and story in text format. Nothing that goes further than some different choices that could change the story (ending, girl dating...). Maybe it is asking to much or too specific I don't know, but I will really appreciate any little help. Thanks!
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