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Posts posted by Nekkaro

  1. I'd like to help, but the only help I can offer is looking over the in game translation for typoes or spacing problems


    This is a big game, over 6mb's of text so I'm sure more then the 2 we have will be needed to check over text. MKDude will have to be the final judge on how many will will need once we get to that point though.




    When we have enough progress completed, they will start negotiating with BaseSon to do the technical work.


    "It'll take some time for the negotiation and BaseSon to open up a schedule to do this too.
    Please let me know if there are major updates and translation is nearing completion,
    because it's hard to negotiate something when you don't know when it'll be done."
    While that means we need to do translations, I think this means BaseSon will handle the irritating technical stuff. So we are back to translators being our top priority. 
    For the viewers reading this and are hesitant to join: Manga Gamer IS supporting us and is actively working with us to get this officially released. We just need to make enough progress for them to be able to open up negotiations.



    This is great news, I'm ready to go whenever we have enough translated in the actual game for QA and such. I would say editing also, but I think it's better to worry about that when it's in game and see what it looks like there before editing the dialog to suit needs.

  3. I don't mind helping editing (just tell me whats involved) and quality checking is what I was going to help with anyways seeing as error finding is something I do even if I'm not trying to do it. On a unrelated note if all the menu items are picture text and what not I can more then likely help translate a few of them seeing as there is alot of menu text items that are universal in japanese games so I understand what a few of them mean. Also it seems we need another translator or two based on what Akikojam was saying so not only the project can go faster, but we can get all routes finished sooner. Once we have the major story complete and any after story stuff that needs taken care of at that point I think it be the best time to go back and translate the H scene's just for completion purpose so we can show the game was fully translated. Also MKDude if I wasn't fine with teaming up I wouldn't be offering to help.

  4. And one more, since most of translators only concentrate on one heroine's route, there's always an option to make a partial patch for Shoku alone, especially since I have everything but Rinrin's events done.


    I would say we need to compile everything you have translated right now first into a script, then worry about partial patches after progress in made into the games hard code. Plus before we can even think about releasing a patch we need someone to translate all the menu's (at-least I would want those done in the first patch).   

  5. It be faster if someone who already knows without trial and error what to do helps, just saying if they need more help I'd be willing as long as they can point me to where I need to go in the code and what to do. I have very simple coding understanding so looking at it I can kind of figure out what is going on while at the same time not really seeing it either.

  6. More or less if I was pointed to the right spot and told where to type it all out in the code I could do it from there with a script (coding it simple from that point). It's getting into the hard code and figuring out where to start the translation script while deleting the japanese text is where I would fail.

  7. I wouldn't worry too much about most of the doom speech when using kickstarter (or any community project fund site) seeing as mangagamer  and/or BaseSon has to approve first and foremost anything money related done with this project or we end up with the cease and desist letter of doom for trying to make a profit of this as it is not our product. Worry number one right now should be do we have the people willing to help out with the project in the needed areas so we can have a 100% patch ready to show for our work to mangagamer (if we want it released still at that point in time). The money problem should come only second after that reality has come about, and if mangagamer can handle the cost from there.

  8. for favorite Anime, you have to pick a season otherwise you end up with my list of 200 favorite anime's. Visual Novel however I can't really decided on either, like so far I like stuff for most of the major companies, but I can ever just pick one unless we are talking company related favorite visual novel. Now to go find that cookie I saw.

  9. Hello everyone, I'm a big anime fan, gamer, visual novel player, and beta tester (something I picked up a few year back with FF14's first release), and that basically sums up my interests. I tend to have alot of free so I mostly spend most of my days doing whatever seems interesting that day, I also stream (atlest when I am playing a game) whatever I am playing no matter if someone is watching or not just for the fun of it, plus it kills time. At any rate that about sums me up in a nutshell, now to find where I am at @.@

  10. Best thing I can think of is read the game, make note of error's or things that don't make sense (I've found alot in Koihime Musou itself, and more in other fan translated games I've played over the year) then report them. That's about all I can think of since well I've never done anything else. I do always find it funny when the error's are so bad that makes the sentence fall apart. 

  11. Also, I was thinking it may be possible to start a Kickstarter to cover the licencing issues. Seems like that is our biggest roadblock right now.


    The only problem with that is would Mangagamer and/or BaseSon allow that to happen. Plus you have to give out something based on the amount donated, and kickstarter gets 10% of the final amount you receive if you reach goal. There is alot that goes into a kickstarter that most don't think about.  

  12. And I'm here. First of all, no, I don't have H-scenes themselves translated. All I have are srt files for playthrough videos I recorded, I translate it as I make them. But as far as I noticed H-scenes are 80% made of moans, so I don't think it'll be much of a problem. After I'm done with Gi route's main story, I can upload an archive with all those srt files to mediafire or something.


    I'm sure someone with enough time can make a script based on all of what you have as long as they have access to all videos. As for whats not translated yet, it's just a matter of getting someone to finish whats missing in those routes.

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