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Posts posted by yetisphere

  1. 11 hours ago, sanahtlig said:

    Problems I encountered with Madou Koukaku's system:

    1. Uneven difficulty.  The difficulty spikes when you face Yun-Gasol (I barely won a few of the scripted battles) and then drops off completely.
    2. Battle requires extreme micromanagement of units' position for optimal results, particularly for ranged units.  This was a constant source of frustration.
    3. Micromanaging city building once you control many territories becomes extremely tedious.

    I liked Madou Koukaku overall (mostly for the characters, story, and setting) but the battle system was weak--although it still has the best real-time SRPG combat system I've seen in an eroge.

    I couldn't even finish Rhapsody due to the fundamental design flaws--in that respect Madou Koukaku is far superior.  I'll hold my judgment on Sankai no Yubiwa until I play it, but linear story and restricted freedom are not always demerits.

    Hmm can't comment about difficulty since I'm not that far in, I guess will become easier as time goes by but still having a pretty good time right now. The battles with Yun-Gasol at first though(not scripted ones but if you choose to keep being in war with them and start expanding) were the most fun for me, since my units were underleveled and all. 

    This is what I did: The key was Aru and her special. All you have to do is wittle down the enemy forces and try to group them up at the same so Aru can commence her bombardment. Once they're grouped up(I found the hounds the best units because of their speed) I didn't sacrifice the hounds yet but switched them out for the most damage dealing units while Aru got in a perfect position. Then once those units deal damage,die and the bar fills up Aru can finally wipe the enemy out with her special. If they're not dead yet sacrifice those hounds as well. Thats how I dealt with the strongest units at the begining. If Aru had died though would've been GG.

    Actually now that I think about it the ones with Ranaheim(not the scripted ones) early on were pretty challenging too, because my main force was deep inside Yun-Gasol when they decided take Rumorne and bait Weissheit in there to get provisions.I did have another army there and that's were the Magician commanders shined with their cheap special. It was especially effective at the first battle vs Girk because he always activated that special and kept runing away at some serious speeds. So I just kept cutting him off and derailing him from the path. The damage and range of that fire breath are very nice afterall.

    Of course even without all of these you can just take the bases anytime with spies and end it right there unless it's scripted and has different objective but where's the fun in that? ^^

    The last 2 points you mentioned though are one of the reasons I really like this game :) . Who knows I might find it tedious too after a while but so far I'm enjoying it.

  2. Haven't played much gameplay VN's.But I'm playing Madou Koukaku now and this seems to be the best of the gameplay VN's that I've played so far for sure. I actually like the RTS style/town management/building over Kamidori's style.

    The Story seems to be better than most of the gameplay VN's too.  I liked that theorycrafting bit with Garmus after the council.

    I also liked the exposition and insight on all the nations each turn. Orfan is definitely the best character for me so far (for various reasons) 

    Also its good that he enemy nations react to how you move like when you invade deep into Yun-Gasol, Zafuha suddenly threaten to attack you. However I could fight on all fronts easily with like 40 commanders that I have XD. But well early expanding and ceasfiring when you have some terriotory to work with seemed to be the best tactic so far.

    It was pretty funny when I conquered the elves then found out that i shoudn't have done so because they actually join you though....speaking of which that are a lot of cases of that in this game. Gotta tread carefully since this is not rance^^


  3. 1 hour ago, CeruleanGamer said:

    One thing I do like with the new system is no more usage limit on skills. It wasn't fun only using 5 Hailstorms in bunny black 1, but now I can use them maybe like 20+ times because SP is plentiful and the SP costs of skills are super cheap. 

    Also, try Overlord difficulty if you're confident. Fighting level 50+ enemies from the start is so fun. Hahaha ^_^

    Wait you can actually choose difficulty? is that available in NG+ or with the save from BB1 mentioned before?

  4. 2 hours ago, EcchiOujisama said:

    Focusing on collecting items to get money to make donations isn't a bad way to go for a few hours.  The cost of the donations continue to escalate, but your progress transfers in NG+ so it's a one time deal.  I'm at 27 and that's the point where it no longer pays to run around and kill enemies at that level looking for items.  You should be able to get to 23 command without too much time invested, and that will get you the Hydragon.  Don't be afraid to put points into his defense either, mine has been killed more than a few times in the front row from everyone ganging up on him.  

    Yeh guess I'll do that a little.It helps I can control it directly too.

    Really liking the discipline/control functions and many other things they added this game,but still kinda sucks they removed Darx's leveling system and some other stuff.


    1 hour ago, EcchiOujisama said:

    With my evil necromancer powers I return from the abyss of death...MAPS FOR BUNNY BLACK 2!


    If you can't muddle through enough of the kanji to figure out which dungeon is which, this should approximate it enough:


    Nice! That'll really help.

    Ty for the translation too(Though rikaikun's got me covered ;) )

  5. 2 minutes ago, EcchiOujisama said:

    Picking up a Hydragon when they become available is recommended.  They can see hidden doors without wasting an item slot and this becomes more useful as time goes on.  Succubi can too, but you can't hire them as quickly.


    I really want one if it didn't cost 7 command.But there are A lot of hidden doors so I might compromise. My team so far with 16 command is: Cyclop girl(Tri?) mage,Fairy,Demon Sword(Dat slash damage) and Filliane

  6. 3 minutes ago, CeruleanGamer said:

    I built him as a Shuriken in BB1 because Hailstorm and Barrage are OP as heck, but I might try mage build in this one.

    They sure were, add illusion and other ridiculous skills.Really miss those.

    I wanted mage at first too but kinda got invested in slashing, besides I have like 4 slashing equipment and only 1 magic boost staff(BTW the equipment should work on everyone in the party right?)

  7. It's still a great game nonetheless. It's way better in gameplay compared to Sengoku Rance. It has lots of comedy and ecchi moments and the characters are likeable. And if you're a loli fan, there's a lot of them and you can create your all-loli party. xD

    lol I see thats what you did :D

    But that gameplay sounds promising. 

    Well got it working gonna dig in now.

  8. Some scenes are censored but not all of them. Also I have 2 folders of the game, one without English patch and one with, so I can just switch and view the scenes whenever. The CGs arent censored though.

    Does this refer to the completely cut 80% of h-scenes I've been hearing about as well?

    Sorry just found about this and excited to play it.

  9. Ayakashibito does require japanese locale as far as I know, to the point of crashing on startup if you don't have it on.

    I'm personally reading it with no compatibility settings at all on win7.

    What you probably want to do is go into your nvidia settings and do this then run it fullscreen, found it on a forum and can't confirm due to my rather unique gpu setup (I know I've wrangled my other computer, which has an nvidia card, into doing this for I/O though):


    For what it's worth, my monitor's native resolution is 1366x768 too and by preserving aspect ratio it looks fine (but I use intel integrated, not nvidia). Pic: http://puu.sh/95S43/d66abe7ca4.png for example, though this pic doesn't show the unavoidable black bars to the sides due to keeping the original aspect ratio (I don't mind those...)

      YUP,thanks so much for this,It did work.Cant believe I missed that setting in nvidia controll pannel(since i never had to use it), was trying all kinds of things with 3d settings and stuff....lol.

      So I can play with the usual res now(I dont mind the black bars too,but 800x600 was too much).Btw I never had this issue with I/O...weird.Anyways Ty for the help!

  10.   Hey guys, I can't seem to run the game fullscreen on at least 1080x768 on my laptop,since most of the older games run on the above said resolution(Infact when i toggle fullscreen ingame I think it gets even smaller),I don't really mind playing windowed.... but it might get frustrating so it'd be great if there's a solution for this.

       So, I have my locale on JP(this game does not even require this right?) ,64 bit system,downloaded from fuwa and yea.. tried changing res from nvidia control panel,but the res stays the same.Oh also did that Ctrl-alt-f11(wonder if this even helped somoene).I also tried changing res from that INI ryo folder and set it to 1080x768....but then the game does not run at all gives me an error every time unless the resolution is set to 800x600.

      I recently tried changing it's exe's compatibility to win 95 from xp and well now it just went 1366x768(original res) which is horribly distorted.Still coudnt'nt get it to work on decent res. Does it even have one? or are you supposed to play it on 800x600?

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