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Everything posted by Kritter999

  1. Right now it isn't. But when I tried it last I had it set to Japanese. Even rebooted my computer and there was Japanese text on the starting screen and in the start menu. So THAT part of the problem has been resolved.
  2. I sure hope someone does or at least can figure it out. I'll wait a bit to see if anyone else has a clue before I delete it and start over. I can't torrent when I'm at college due to the school not wanting people to torrent anything. Because apparently it's all illegal and innately bad. So.. I have until the sixth of January to stock up on VN's for next semester. Thanks for trying to help anyway.
  3. Hmm... So I tried it again with the non unicode settings set up correctly and got the exact same error messages as last time. No changes at all or I'd post them again. I might have to go find the torrent that Bolvark used and try the method they used. It worked for them, so it might work for me.
  4. Okay... Well I just noticed ONE thing I did wrong. I changed the location of my PC but not the non unicode. Ugh... Very sorry. I'll try again now that i've actually changed the language. ;-;
  5. I did exactly as you said and it still keeps giving me the same error message. I clicked on the image button in the editor then copied the URL from the imgur site with the image then copied it into the dialogue box that the image button opened. It still says the extension isn't right. Sorry, this really isn't my thing. I'm not exactly the most tech savvy person, obviously, and I literally just made this account for the forum http://imgur.com/nyjinoj,aNpM7Ij,Lnheog0#1 http://imgur.com/nyjinoj,aNpM7Ij,Lnheog0#2 There's the URLs.
  6. It keeps telling me that the extension isn't allowed in this community. I'm using PNG. What should I be using?
  7. Ugh... I hadn't read that bit yet. If thats the case then there's no point in posting the images. The extentions weren't compatible anyway. If it won't work, I guess I'll just have to find a different one to read later. Sorry to waste your time.
  8. This was supposed to be an image of the text.. But it didn't show up when I tried to post it.. So instead I'll just give some more information. I also tried taking the folders out of the CCD, thinking it might help with the problem. I looked at Tay's installation guide but after Step 2, the bits of Step 3 never open. So I'm not really sure whats going wrong.
  9. Are you running your computer with Japan system locale? Yes Game Name: Muv-Luv Description of Problem: When I hit the install button in the menu three dialogue boxes pop up one after the other that I can't read, then nothing happens. Your Operating System: Windows 8 64 bit. What did you already try: Run as admin, put it into compatibility mode, and restarted my computer. Did you download your game from Fuwanovel: Yes.
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