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Posts posted by patr0805

  1. About me doing Rewrite patch. My goal is to provide a translation patch or support by my tools for every KEY novel, which includes Rewrite. However, I don't feel like translating something before I have read it first. Another thing is that me translating every KEY novel should not be treated as an official statement. What I mean by that is that I will only tell that I am doing a patch for a game when I have looked though the game files and have gotten confident that I have the skills to do a patch in the first place. As of now, I have read Kanon and Little Busters (currently reading Air), but seeing how people seems mostly hyped about Rewrite.. I might let the next patch be for Rewrite.

  2. Well yeah, I just posted an update to my blog: http://patr0805.wordpress.com/2014/01/12/little-busters-ce-project-update-12-01-2014/


    Overall I think things are going pretty smothly, the slow update to the blog can logically be explained by christmass, new year and me having exams to work on this mounth.

    I only have one exam left, so the pressure is pretty much gone, (on top of that, the last exam concerns programming for beginners, so I don't feel like there is much studying to do for it..)

    which is why I found the time to work hard for a few days to get this update done.


    Btw. while it may not be of much interest to know, I feel like explaining why I am doing this project in the first place. I have always been interested in software development (currently studying software development) and it was Little Busters! that introduced me to the VN world. Personally, it is the best story I have ever read and so I became a LB super fan that would deny friends the right to watch it before playing it... Shortly after that, I wanted to contribute to the VN community and learn the "art" of reverse engineering (as I became interested in the hacking process of VNs). Thats when I found that Little Busters! CE! existed, but it had no english translation patch.. I felt happy about that, because now this could become my first reverse engineering project. I also found the idea of playing Little Busters! portable awesome, so all the more motivation to complete this project. :)

    The reason why I didn't publish the project earlier (like half a year ago) is that this is my first time doing a hacking project like this, so I couldn't garantee any positive results. The day I answered this topic on fuwanovel for the first time was also around the time when I was completely confident that I could complete the patch. 


    Without further ado, I'll work to see this completed soon.


    Best regards,

    Patrick :)

  3. Nicoblog,

    I'll release a partial patch when I see it fit. Now that the hacking tools are working right it should go alot faster.

    Current status: Common route, Komari route, Rin 1,2 route complete, working on small subscenes like the "play with masato" scenes.


    Also, I just got Paragon4696 on the team here today, so that should just speed things up even more.

  4. I have only been studying japanese for half a year, therefore I am not yet skillful enough to quality translate the Sasami, Kanata and Saya routes.

    For this reason, I am using the translations from the PC version (it wouldn't be that clever to spend time retranslate so much anyway). 


    Just like the PC version Sasami, Kanata and Saya routes will be locked until Little Busters EX have been fully translated.


    Thanks for the reference to vndb, I might as well just do that now that I have come this far allready.


    Some good news regarding installing my patch. The game actually needs installation by default, which leaves most of the game files on your SD card. Thus, hacking your PSP won't be nessesary to play this patch. :)

  5. I have been working on an english translation patch for the Little Busters! Converted Edition! (PSP game) for a few mounths now, so Little Busters portable edition will definitly become reality :)


    Current status:

    I have finished making my own tools and have finished copying & placing the translations into the game for common route and Komari's route.


    Currently working on Rins route.



    You can follow the project on: patr0805.wordpress.com if it interests you :)

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