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Blog Comments posted by Entai2965

  1. "As people are asking for more accurate translations that read well in English. This is something GenAI and Machine Translation cannot provide."

    Genuinely, I think we as anime and visual novel fans alike seem to forget that localization is an important part of translating a work into English. Whether that be simply changing a joke to fit current standards, or using slang like "chill" or using politically correct language to make more sense to English speakers. A machine may be able to translate, but it is unable to localize. ChatGPT and DeepL cannot accurately translate a script writer's work and prose into something that doesn't sound bland. Localization is a necessary evil if we like the way the dubs are now."

    As a counter point, if the current state of translation is far too localized and a much more literal approach would be appreciated by certain fans, like me for example, then DeepL and AI translations should provide a very welcome boost in the apparent quality of translations on a subjective level. Even non-AI, NMT translations, like Sugoi, that preserve honorifics in the translation are a huge improvement over heavily localized translations that are the status-quo, especially because a lot of the meaning of how characters interact with one another dramatically changes if they are removed. Of course that is not to say that pure MTL is acceptable, but Sugoi + a fluent English speaker editing the output is of relatively high quality and ultimately, I would rather deal with incorrect translations due to fixable software errors that are getting better over time than deal with censorship, especially around aspects unique to japanese culture, which is the norm in translations right now. Being able to revert such over localizations and say, re-insert honorifics into the translated text, which AI is capable of doing by the way, would allow it to preserve the original meaning better for those of us who actually want to know what the characters actually said, not someone else's interpretation of what they think they meant after changing the meaning for political correctness and cultural illiteracy.

    AI, whether we like it or not, AI is here so stay, so learning to work with AI is more beneficial than just resenting it or resenting how certain companies use it. The best use of AI right now is to literally work with it in a collaborative process since the end result of human + AI will almost always be better than just either one alone relative to the amount of time it took to produce something of reasonable quality. I am not sure what Crunchyroll is doing, but we are in agreement that their quality can only decline if they do not use translators because the output of AI still needs to be double checked and only a translator, a human, can make the decision that the output makes sense. Used correctly, AI should be a boost to both productivity and quality, not a way to backslide quality and damage the reputation of one's brand as a result. If Crunchyroll does not understand that, it will only hurt them in the long run.

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