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Posts posted by Musrar

  1. @Haoren After an arduous quest (I'm not a programmer so it took me a couple hours of pain) of browsing forums and installing and uninstalling different versions of Golang and creating folders manually and moving files of different versions of Golang and more things (I had your same issue, it's because newer versions than 1.16 do not accept "go get", but that was just the first issue I had of several), I managed to build the goddamn .exe 😅🤩, I'm sharing it here:


    Just place the .exe in the folder where you extracted the .cst files and it will work with the following command the creator wrote in their PDF guide:

    for %f in (*.cst) do cst -e -cst %f -o %~nf.txt

    I tried it with Grisaia no Kajitsu: https://prnt.sc/wGHFm5pqKec7

    In the following hours I'll try to repack it to see if there are other issues.

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