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Posts posted by minamichita1

  1. okay, i might be necroing this but... here goes:

    is ruuko


    an alien or not? the epilogue implies she's the person whom takaaki came up with when lying to karin, but then again she does remember her time with him before returning and isn't against being called ruuko so uh... could this be 'ruu''s doing? she did say that she could no longer be a 'ruu' near the end of her route and would become an 'uu' to be with takaaki or something along those lines.

    nonetheless, her route was pretty enjoyable for me, one of my favorites in the game even

  2. Hello! Well, before I talk about this topic I should say that I'm new here and I don't know if this is considered a taboo or something in the community so my apologies if it is. 

    So, I've just finished Little Busters a few weeks ago. Needless to say, it was one of the best stories I have ever read and will probably stay that way for a long time. However, I don't think I enjoyed it to the fullest simply because of a bias of mine: the version I read is English Edition (which is 16:9) but I'd like to read older titles in 4:3. I understand making a game widescreen to fit newer monitors is necessary, but I'm really against the way they did it - cropping the CGs. And I also prefer the original releases' interface better; the newer one is pretty soulless in my opinion. While there is an English patch by Fluffy for older 4:3 versions, it doesn't have the extra routes translated so it's not really an option anymore. But upon finding out Fruitbat Factory (the team localizing English Edition) is formerly Fluffy, I thought: what if somebody were to finish the old patches?  

    But I gotta admit, I really don't know where to start. For starters, I know next to nothing about extracting or decompressing a visual novel, let alone finishing somebody else's work. Furthermore, LUCA System (the engine English Edition uses) doesn't seem to have a lot of information on it. I've found a GitHub page which says "Prototype's galgame (Luca System Engine) tools, Decompile and Compile Luca System's script file" but it's all in Chinese so I can't really understand it. But even if I somehow could extract the new game's script, how do I even inject it into the old one? Would the localization team even approve of this? There's so many things to tackle I don't think I'll get anywhere by myself.

    That's why I'd like to ask for some guidance. I know that this isn't the top priority right now, but I still personally want to do this. If it comes to it, I'd even type the extra routes' script manually. That's just how strongly I feel about this game. For me, Little Busters isn't presented the right way on a widescreen monitor. It should be in the old format like Kanon, AIR, ONE and many other titles from the time period. It's selfish of me, but I really want to make Fluffy's old patch complete and I can't do it without others' help.

    With all that said, thank you for taking your time to read this and I'd really appreciate it if somebody could show me how to extract the scripts, inject and edit it, etc.




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