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Posts posted by TotalDereMan

  1. To be honest, the first visual novel I played, I did it for the lulz. My friend had described it as a game where the goal was to "get with" disabled girls. And then the feels hit me when I wasn't expecting it. Now I'm addicted to visual novels.


    If you take out the H-scenes, how are you going to attract perverts similar to myself?

  2. and as an example, look up the company name 'Norn', lol.

    I found a description for one of their games..."Yuma is a smart uni student, whose grandfather is a magician. One day, he gets cornered by gangs, and he calls up the devils by using his grandfather's ring. The devil appeared is Lieselotte. She gets rid of the gangs quickly, and says to him, "Give me your life in return." If he proves that he is a real summoner in ten days, he will be saved. Lieselotte treats him roughly, but she needs his semen to refill her magic power."... What kind of product does this company make?!


    Well, regardless, I need something easy but enjoyable. Cuteness is always a good thing, as well.


    Got any good 4s?

  3. I'm abnormally afraid of my stuff breaking...


    Seriously, I could almost go into cardiac arrest if I think something of mine might have broken.


    Oh, and windows. The idea that someone could be watching me in my own home... *shivers*


    I also have an inferiority complex, but that's not really a phobia so I'm not sure why I'm bringing it up...

  4. I'm in need of a new Visual Novel(s) to play/read. I prefer emotional pieces, especially romance.


    I've already experienced the following:


    Katawa Shoujo


    Tomoyo After

    Little Busters!

    G-senjou no Maou


    Hoshizora no Memoria


    Toradora Portable! (It wasn't bad, but I don't want to play something similar again)

    Sono Yokogao ~ A Profile

    Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo

    Sharin no Kuni, Yuukyuu no Shounenshoujo

    Symphonic Rain

    Ikinari Anata ni Koishiteiru

    Grisaia no Kajitsu


    Any suggestions?

  5. Little Busters! Mio's route:

    When Mio came back and said, "I'm the Nishizono Mio who loves you." It was a combination of a bunch of moments in that ending.


    Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations:

    When Phoenix said to Iris, "Even when Dahlia Hawthorne was captured... I always believed in you."

    Those aren't actually sad. Touching, yes, but not actually sad. Tears aren't just for sorrow, you know!

  6. In CLANNAD.

    At the end of the After Story, where misfortune befalls Tomoya and Nagisa.

    I'm not sure if it's actually the saddest, or whether I was just more emotionally vulnerable at the time, but that seriously made me depressed. There have been other moments for me, like in Little Busters!:

    Actually, there were a lot of sad moments in Little Busters!, but the one the most memorable for me is when Mio tries to switch places, permanently, with Midori. It just gave me that terribly helpless feeling.

    And in Rewrite. And in G-Senjou no Maou. And in Grisaia no Kajitsu. And in Hoshizora no Memoria. And Katawa Shoujo.

    The other VNs that I've played don't have any moments that made be genuinely, truly sad, that I can remember.

  7. My ideal visual novel is emotionally engaging. When something bad happens to a character, I want to feel genuine sadness or anger, and not just pity or frustration. If something good happens to a character, I want to feel genuinely happy for them, not happy because I got a "Good End". If two characters fall in love, I want to feel like saying "D'aww!", not "Aw yeah, H-Scenes ahoy!". And I want those moments to leave an impact on me.


    Everything else (gameplay, story, setting) is just a bonus.

  8. Mature romance? I don't think there's such a thing as a totally mature romance. Maybe not even in real life.


    It makes sense, right? Mature romance is boring and idealistic. You can't put those two together and expect a good story.

  9. I decided to play ToraDora Portable and I was not too impressed. I'm guessing this is because I never watched the anime, so I never really had the chance to get attached to the characters. Also, it's a bit too gamey for my tastes.


    Wasn't bad, but I didn't enjoy it all that much, either.

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