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Sumire Yoshizawa

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Posts posted by Sumire Yoshizawa

  1. On 8/31/2022 at 1:19 PM, Diener said:

    It's good to see another person here who speaks Spanish.

    About what you say, I understand you. In the last few years there have been some good Spanish translators who have even released translations before the English community like Tsui No Sora or Chaos;Head Noah (My favorite VN, but if it hadn't been for the Spanish translation, I wouldn't have been able to read it a few years ago).

    It would be great if the spanish VN community grow, but it's a fact that VN are niche, now imagine how many spanish speaking people are interested in VN? If the distributors already have problems with translating VN into English, imagine translating a VN with +50 hours lenght into Spanish? It would be a waste of money to do so since doing it wouldn't bring in new consumers since most of the hispanic people who read VN prefer and have no problem reading them in English.

    Still, Spanish VN readers have their fanbase and I dare say it's bigger than other languages since I've been seeing them since mid 2000s, but most of them are active in English communities, like Reddit (There is also an active discord server only of people who speak spanish).

    In the last few years there have been youtubers who made videos about VN in spanish. I know Puerta al sotano, I don't like him very much, but I have seen that he has made videos about VN from Science adventure and NG (I think he also made a video about Aokana). One of those youtubers is HAISHA, his videos are really good and we have talked a few times.

    I wanted to contribute to the Spanish community and since a few years ago I do complete VN reviews on steam in Spanish. Recently I decided to take a step forward and open a blog where I will bring not only reviews, but articles, history of developers or sagas etc... in Spanish. My goal has been to bring content in Spanish and help people who are interested, to make more people interested in the VN niche.

    Also not related but I entered that Spanish discord server and it seems very dead, or at least that's how it is now. Maybe it was more active when it was created.

  2. On 8/31/2022 at 1:19 PM, Diener said:

    It's good to see another person here who speaks Spanish.

    About what you say, I understand you. In the last few years there have been some good Spanish translators who have even released translations before the English community like Tsui No Sora or Chaos;Head Noah (My favorite VN, but if it hadn't been for the Spanish translation, I wouldn't have been able to read it a few years ago).

    It would be great if the spanish VN community grow, but it's a fact that VN are niche, now imagine how many spanish speaking people are interested in VN? If the distributors already have problems with translating VN into English, imagine translating a VN with +50 hours lenght into Spanish? It would be a waste of money to do so since doing it wouldn't bring in new consumers since most of the hispanic people who read VN prefer and have no problem reading them in English.

    Still, Spanish VN readers have their fanbase and I dare say it's bigger than other languages since I've been seeing them since mid 2000s, but most of them are active in English communities, like Reddit (There is also an active discord server only of people who speak spanish).

    In the last few years there have been youtubers who made videos about VN in spanish. I know Puerta al sotano, I don't like him very much, but I have seen that he has made videos about VN from Science adventure and NG (I think he also made a video about Aokana). One of those youtubers is HAISHA, his videos are really good and we have talked a few times.

    I wanted to contribute to the Spanish community and since a few years ago I do complete VN reviews on steam in Spanish. Recently I decided to take a step forward and open a blog where I will bring not only reviews, but articles, history of developers or sagas etc... in Spanish. My goal has been to bring content in Spanish and help people who are interested, to make more people interested in the VN niche.

    Hi, I was looking this thread and felt the need to answer to you regarding this:


    there have been some good Spanish translators who have even released translations before the English community like Tsui No Sora or Chaos;Head Noah

    What do you mean with "good translators"? That team is known for releasing garbage speed translations. Even OP and another here comment talk about how infamous they are, and you just need to look up their VNDB to see it (https://vndb.org/p6908) One of the reviews in Facebook has this: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02VoPh1hy3AUjqREafve7neZc3fFAyqGraLDY5H1eXtRyVfaJBUVHrhAjXdKBu5AJ9l&id=100085611147741

    Both Tsui no Sora and Chaos;Head Noah are tagged as MTL. OP said too:


    There's also this group from Latam, who probably translate from English into Spanish, but when it comes to Japanese they tend to tap into MTL. They were doing Tokyo Necro (also MTL as per VNDB)

    The translator doesn't know japanese (and from what i've seen they have horrendous grammar mistakes) and the only reason they released those "translations" before the English community is because they're either MTL or completely made up. If you liked the games, that's great, since the best stories can survive even a butchered translation. But don't defend Chaos Gate or think their job is worth praising when it was already proven their quality is extremely low (even from people from the team that leaked stuff) From what i've heard their attitude isn't any better as they can't stand criticism and have attacked other translators in the past for petty stuff (CoZ and JAST)

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