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Posts posted by Mackus

  1. Well, now thread doesn't even have "Majikoi" or "Miyako" or even "Translation" in its name.

    I take it we'll still occasionally hear about progress on translation here? In between even more random chatter. Or maybe someone should start "News on Majikoi Translation" thread and post NOTHING else there - and report violators to mods....

  2. Well, is already July. Unless fuck-you-rl-fairy strikes again, we should have a release between now and two weeks. At least according to someones signature.

    Anyone knows where patch will be announced? Because good luck finding it here, since there're bound to be 50 new posts within five minutes after its posted.

  3. Heavens Feel, definitely my favourite. Among other things, it marks end of Shirou's journey from a boy with unrealistic ideals, to a man with a true cause. He learns to value his own life, his happiness, and does not repeats Kiritsugu mistakes. And of course because he helps Sakura. Aaaand there is Rider <3

  4. Well, I asked for it like 200 pages ago, since route was 50% finished, but we didn't got it.

    I guess its hard to release partial patch, since you have to insert everything twice rather than only once, and there is question whether 50% means: "Everything until this point in playthrough" or "randomly selected parts of storyline separated by untranslated text".

  5. Lol, as if you know that feeling.

    Also, am I the only seeing the problem with getting a girlfriend who cheated on their ex with you? What happens if you hit a slow phase in your relationship, or she's not satisfied for a while? Wouldn't be surprised if she let another dude "steal" her, in that case.

    Yeah. Why would you want to have anything to do with someone who is confirmed as being bad with keeping promises? Or why shred single tear over losing someone who turned out to be like that all along? Good riddance.

  6. Huh. That's odd. I do remember someone in contact with Kosuna, saying that Miyako Route was being translated (on 2nd page, just checked). How much was done before translator switched to Agave? And since when Agave was being translated (so we could have very rough estimate on long it took to do the 55%)?

  7. 3/4 of the way

    Wow, that was fast. I was sure it would be about half. I am kinda wondering how this will end. I mean, story did not seems to be approaching conclusion yet. Though there would be longer buildup. Restart of bullying didn't came up yet. (It happened in background, but main characters don't know about it yet.)

  8. I finally decided to play Miyako Route with machine translation. (I'll just play again with patch once its out)

    Combination of Atlas, Google Translation, Excite, and FreeTranslation works pretty well most of time. Add to that very basic listening skills, and its quite readable.

    I am currently right after 3-way fight between Chris, Miyako, and Wanko. Anyone can tell how longer route is (in rough percentage of what I am already through)?

  9. What do you mean by that? I'm playing "Tsujidou-san no Jun'ai Road" now, launching it with AppLocale under Windows 7 Ultimate x64 with no problems. AppLocale has always been on Windows 7. Not sure about Windows 8, but i guess it should be there too, as soon as it can be oficially downloaded from Microsoft.


    Last time I checked it didn't work for Windows 8. Also many people with 8 complain it still doesn't work for them (about 20% on microsoft page).

    Vbox is alternate solution, as works conveniently for me.

  10. Got an update:

    Miyako at 48%

    Agave at 11%


    Kosuna has been sick, so it's understandable that there has not been any progress. And if you're wondering about the 50% update from a while back, then that was just a relative estimate. 48% is the correct percentage. (But it should speed up now.)

    Have to take back the Feburary release that was announced waaaaay back, though, since it seems a bit unlikely.

    Also, the reason for Kosuna not reporting when he got sick is because his parents deprive him of any means of outside communications when he is sick.


    Haha! 10 Good!


    Good to have some news. Good to see Kosuna's better now. Any chance of partial patch by the middle of february? (13 is my birthday, and 14 valentine's day ^_^ )

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