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  1. Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you two. Some things happened and I was unable to get online for a while. As for your suggested alternative of using Textractor instead of ITHVNR. I was realatively pleased with what I saw after looking into the program and getting it. Additionally after testing in on the game in question it appeared to have been successful in hooking the full texts. Though it seemed as though I might need to play with how much it wants to repress stuff. It seemed like it might of been over happy about repressing characters and was doing it to similar characters and not just repeating ones. It's a little hard to tell since its use for me is a little limited. Because of that I still can't read that novel. It hooks every presented line yes, but even when I move copy to clipboard to the first priority it only does so on 1/5 lines. So what is passed over to TA for Atlas is not good enough to read the story. It might work out fine if I could use the built in translations from google, bing, ect that the extensions provide, but I read offline so they only translate an error code.
  2. I'm still relatively new at trying to make use of ITH, TA, and whatnot to read VN that are not already released with an English version. For the most part I managed with the first 2, but this one is a bit older than the other two and despite being from the same developer/publisher it is giving me text issues. On the other one from this developer there was a text hook option that went by their company name, and it worked fine--with maybe a bit of machine translation roughness that might stem from my limited ability to get a hold of libraries. This game doesn't have that text hook option. It has the same 4 system options (?(ExtTextOutW) and 3 text hook options (GetGlyphOutlineA). The system ones yield nothing really, so I usually go with the first of the 3 text hooks. They all pull the exact text but the first seems to translate better on TA. However after I play for a couple minutes the TA falls apart and stops making words instead mostly just throwing up long strings of syllables before ITH does the same. I've post pictures of what I mean. The first being what I see in the game, a line with 19 characters, but the text hooker only pulled 1. So I get line after line of one word translations. Anyone know what is causing this or a way to fix it so I can actually read this VN and any others that might be so resistant in the future?
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