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Everything posted by Evonyx

  1. @SeniorBlitz Do you mean if I can still see the window of the screen? it's completely full screen, all I see is the image and what's the config? @Silvs Alright I'll try that, Thank you.
  2. I have installed DRAMAtical murder from Fuwanovel, the game starts up and seems to be working fine so far but I have one problem. The screen's resolution is wrong, the screen is so stretched and slightly squished I can only see most the upper line of the text but I can't see the bottom one. this, of course, makes it impossible to read the novel. The strange thing is that my desktop and all other games do have the right resolutions. could anyone please tell me how to fix this problem since it's only in this game. Thanks for your help this is what it's supposed to look like compared to what I see, not the whole text box is shown this is approximately what I see .
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