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Posts posted by Nighthowl

  1. This~

    I remember Metallica being the reason i even bought my first guitar and started taking lessons and the reason i bought my 2nd guitar as well.


    I'm sure your vision one me will change abruptly from the guy that only loves lolis and moe to something darker, oh well.

    Currently my favorite genres fall more into Hard Rock and Heavy Metal.

    My favorite band of all time is Avenged Sevenfold, I've been listening to them since middle school and because of some of their songs i've managed to pull through some awful times back then. 

    Indeed they are recent compared to more classic stuff like Metallica or Led Zepplin but don't get me wrong, i love the old classics too and still listen to them, it's just i connected with this band a lot. Their songs also change tone abruptly and they can go from metalcore to some soft rock, applying to every mood i might be in.

    I don't know if anyone here supports them but this is my favorite band and this is the genre i listen to the most.

    Possibily the most widely known song from them

    Another popular one that came out in the 2nd last album


    A personal favorite~



    Aside from that I've had certain phases where all i'd listen to was more hardcore stuff like




    Fine don't be embeded, see if i care


    Ah A7X is good too. But I havent really been listening after The Rev left...RIP... I enjoyed his songs the most cause of the pop-ish choruses. Afterlife and A Little Piece of Heaven are my favourites

  2. Thank you for the awesome recommendations guys! I recognize many of the titles. 


    Another Type-moon fan joins the forums!!


    "Rejoice, Nighthowl. Your wish for VNs is about to come true..."


    And In the recommendations above, I see a disturbing lack of Katahane... 


    Anyways, It has got a great story, most of it is light-hearted (and the story-within a story is serious),

    the characters are likeable and the atmosphere and feeling of it all is what makes it one of my favorites.


    Googled that, and it's yuri.  B)

    I will be saving that thanks

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