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Everything posted by Shironaedo

  1. I feel welcome already! Thanks for taking your time and reading through my introduction! I've prepared some responses below to some of your questions. I've read a few VN's, and would've read more unfortunately due to time constraints. @__@; But now that I'm on break I'm going to probably go nuts. My favourite so far is probably Rewrite, it was pretty funny and interesting and there was plenty to do and interact with. Shizuru's route was probably my favourite in that one, felt like a little sliver of my soul got chipped away at the end. (T^ T;) I haven't heard of him, but I'll definitely give it a go on your recommendation. I mostly listen to Touhou circles like; Amateras Records, Alstroemeria Records, DiGiTAL WiNG, Liz Triangle, Halozy etc etc.. Some of my favourites. Besides that I have a bunch of music from the AR Tonelico games. Role-playing isn't something that I regularly partake in, but it's something I'm suited to; if you understand the differences in nuance there. Thanks again, and hope to see you guys more.
  2. Hiya~! Forum introductions are always awkward, so I have to apologize. (・ω・ My name is Ink, and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance~ Age: 19. Height: 167cm Sex: Yes plea-.. *Ahem* Male. Blood type: AB- Weight: (A bit embarrassing but..) 50~kg. Roughly 110Lb. Location: Melbourne, Australia. My personality: I tend to speak frankly of myself and terms I usually use are charming, dashingly good looking with a great sense of humor (Arrogant probably fits in there somewhere, just a teensy bit). For the most part, I'm pretty damn lazy. Sooooo lazy. I prefer sitting around as opposed to walking around, but it's not that I hate being out an about, I'll jump at the chance to venture if the option comes before me but, I wouldn't seek it out. At the same time I'm really meticulous with the things that I do, I like things to be really neat and perfect (although the same can't be sad about my hurricane disaster of a room..) It's like they say, messiness inspires creativity. (Or so we tell ourselves). I'm a bunny guy, they're just the cutest animals in my opinion, my friend's mum breeds Netherland Dwarves and Lop bunnies in her free time, and I like spending time there because, seriously.. Bunnies. Come on! Statistically speaking I'm pretty book smart, but I'm pretty dumb in other departments so I guess it balances out (especially geography, which is to say I tend to get lost easily and don't know where the hell anything is, for example; up until maybe last year, I used to think that Hungary was a country in South Africa, and that Budapest was in Indonesia). I tend to spend lots of time on the computer and at home, because really, there's no place like home. Likes: As you can already assume, I'm pretty interested in Korean and Japanese culture as well as otaku culture, I think the language is beautifully expressive and that's one of the things that draws me to it. I'm very interested in economics and I tend to dabble a bit in politics as well, but most of that just gives me a headache, so I tend to limit exposure. I'm a bit of a foodie, and I like to eat great food and I know some great places to eat, and regularly congregate with other foodies I know to go eat great food. Korean is probably my favorite, nothing beats good Korean hotpot in Winter, it's almost ritualistic of me to eat once a week in Winter. I do enjoy music, I prefer Asian or electronic music as opposed to American pop or whatever this generation is into now-a-days. Dislikes: There's not really too much that I dislike about anything, taken in moderation at least. Some other stuff: I live in Australia, originally moved from Thailand when I was 4, but my parents are Chinese. I'm studying Law & Commerce at university, I just finished exams, I'm pretty sure that I did well, but for now I'm on my break! Which is pretty friggin' awesome since I have until next March off. But, I'll be working part-time. = =;; During which I'm also going to be beginning (attempting) to learn Japanese. I have some of the basics down, and I'm already aware of this website's helpfulness in regards to the language, so thank you for that! The reason for this is because I'm planning on spending 2 semesters as an exchange student over in Japan, as for location; I'm relatively undecided until I pick my major out, and depending on what I want to study over there the host universities change as well. Obiter dictum: There's probably a lot more that my fingers would like to blab about and some more that I left out or forgot about, but for the most part I think this should do fine as an introduction, and with that; I hope to see some people around, and I hope to be around. I'm also looking forward to reading other introductions and threads when I get back from work later tomorrow. (Because it's 3:16AM right now.. Also, if you've made it this far thanks for reading, and sorry for wasting your time!) Sincerely,
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