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Status Updates posted by stonepug

  1. We made a thing!
    Stonepug Studios Presents: "The Sickness Unto Death" a short visual novel or VigNette
    Click Here to Play in Browser -> http://stonepug.com/vignettes/
    Inspired from a ridiculous story we heard, we bring you the harrowing tale of one brave individuals' struggle to grapple with an affliction so debilitating it can threaten your independence and so insidious it can go undiagnosed for a lifetime!
  2. We made ANOTHER THING!!!!

    Stonepug Studios Presents: "I Want Your Cookies: A Valentine's Special" a short visual novel or VigNette

    Vivian, Aurora, and Kathleen all have their hearts set on the handsome Asimov for Valentine's Day, but who will Asimov choose? The answer probably has something to do with cookies...

    Click Here to Play in Browser -> http://stonepug.com/stonepug-valentines-day-special-vignette/

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