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born to lose

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  1. Hey, long time lurker, first time poster. Anyway, during my time in VN (and other otaku media) communities, I've noticed lots of complaints with character archetypes present in the medium, usually comparing it to Western media which supposedly has more vivid characters. But I really don't feel like this is the case at all, Western literature and pop culture is filled with acrchetypical characters just as visual novels are. You have the the generic nerdy guy, the misfit seeking acceptance, the jock, the bitchy teenage girl, the orphaned royalty, the comic relief sidekick... Ever since Greek theatre, character archetypes have been a central part of any form of entertainment. So why do you think VNs or anime/manga get criticized so much for using stock characters? Or is this criticism justified, perhaps the archetypes are used differently in VNs? Would love to hear your take on this and whether you agree with me.
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