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Posts posted by kirito1405

  1. 1 hour ago, marcus-beta said:

    Well, actually only the xmoe tools can repack but needs manually patch the engine to read the packget, if you don't know how to hack it, you can't use.

    If you want edit just the script, In this case It's safe says is to translation, right? if this is the case you can try this: https://github.com/marcussacana/Specific-Games/blob/master/Hapymaher.rar

    This is a 'mod' of the game to translate the text without modify the cpz...

    I have tried, but your tool can not handle some characters like ă ắ ằ ẳ ẵ ặ â ấ ầ ẩ ẫ ậ đ  è é ẻ ẽ ẹ ê ề ể ễ ệ  ì í ỉ ĩ ị ò ó ỏ õ ọ ô ồ ố ổ ỗ ộ ơ ờ ớ ở ỡ ợ ư ứ ừ ử ữ ự ù ú ủ ũ ụ ỳ ý ỷ ỹ ỵ

    btw in SRL it read Shift jis but those character only work in unicode.

  2. 1 hour ago, Huang Ling Yin said:

    guess it cant be helped...

    back then there is a guy asking me about this, and it works, also rather than use notepad++, we use wcpc to convert the script.

    and this kind of problem already asked many times, just search in the forum, probably u'll find the solution.

    could you build this tool for me

  3. 1 hour ago, Huang Ling Yin said:

    depend on where the scenario stored, if you are going to rebuilt them make sure they have the same directory structure as the original, or the game simply will not work, if there is a *.sig file, delete it, but just the one for the file that you rebuilt, ex: if the scenario stored in data.xp3 then delete the data.xp3.sig


    still f*cking error

  4. 9 minutes ago, Huang Ling Yin said:

    this, is caused by kirikiri can not read multiple format / codepage at the same time.
    the default kirikiri format is s-jis / cp932,
    however, you can fix this problem, by converting ALL of the script to either ansi / unicode format, and rebuilt it, instead make a patch.

    you mean extract file, then convert. after that, repack txt to scn right?

  5. ---------------------------
    ファイル : start.ks   行 : 29
    タグ : scenestart ( ← エラーの発生した前後のタグを示している場合もあります )
    ★プロローグa(始まり).ks.scn:invalid psb file.
    help me 

  6. I succesfully extracted the scripts through xp3viewer without any encryption and successfully repacked the scripts  a patch2.xp3 filename. But when I finally hit the start button ingame, a message windows appears  " ANSI 文字列を UNICODE 文字列に変換できません。現在のコードページで解釈できない文字 ui含まれてます。正しいデータが指定されているかを確認してください。データが破損している可能性もあります"

    pls help me

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