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Posts posted by infellune

  1. @XReaper I am sorry if my comment came off as a bit rude. I do understand what you mean. Japanese visual novels are better in a way. It's hard for me to get into them though, but I have been playing Clannad and some others. I guess what I am upset about honestly is, as you said, how OELVN's are flooded with garbage and yet that garbage is what's popular. And yes, a good number of us dev's are as talented as as the ero companies in Japan, but I believe we are growing. Like you I wish for OELVN'S to stop copy Japanese visual novels. As a creator myself it is hard I admit, but I'm hoping I'll be able to create something different. I will say I do like some of the BxG stories (like Clannad) as they help me with new ideas, but I don't want to copy them or have overused tropes. Sadly Steam is filled with a lot of bad vn's or those basically copying Japanese visual novels. People are 100% right in that creators need to do their own things and I also agree we have a lot to learn with our storytelling skills, but I think it's getting better. 

  2. @XReaper It's nice to know fuwanovel is so 'welcoming'.  You're statement reminds me of people on Steam. You don't like OELVN's? Fine. But don't go about saying most or all of them are shit and the creators behind them have no talent. Japanese visual novels are far from perfect either. A good number of japanese visual novels use the same tropes over and over again, characters are bland, and sometimes even a stupid story like a protagonist being in a all girl's school and is the only guy. Another thing annoying is the lack of diversity in the games from race to body type (both guys and girls). Yes Japanese visual novels at times outshine OELVN'S , but they are far from perfect. Dharkerstudios and Winged Cloud have given OELVN'S a bad rep. I get that. But not all of them are bad.

    Honestly I came to this site to learn more about Japanese visual novels and maybe even get tips on how to to make a western vn more appealing. But reading things like this and some other threads, I often wonder if I'd be welcome here at all. I've noticed OELVN's, when posted in the game section, barely get looked at. I'm not saying OELVN's are perfect, far from it, but some of the things I read about them are toxic. Makes me feel like if I ever created something it would be instantly regarded as crap

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