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Posts posted by Shikiller

  1. I seen that and I was like, wtf?


    The good ending is great and all even though he can't reverse the effects of his choices he made with Hitomi.


    The neutral ending was well...neutral.


    The bad ending was really fit the bill since he is an asshole.


    Wait, you were wtf 'cuz of my post? 


    And I pretty much agree with your thoughts on the endings. IIRC the bad ending was when

    Hitome gets raped by another guy

    , and though I liked the way the MC ended I was sorry for Hitomi.

  2. Ok, if we use this (

    http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=NTR) definition of NTR I think it wouldn't technically be a game from the genre. Now, I think the best tag to describe this game is "MC is fucked up guy", for real. In Hitomi's route he is one of the biggest assholes I've ever known in fiction and irl. He rapes, Hitomi, he humiliates her, and make her cry A LOT. And there's not apparent reason more that he finds satisfaction in doing it. Seriously, you have to be kinda tough to endure such a dark route.

  3. Thanks again to everyone for the welcome :)

    I tried to make my friends play visual novels, and I failed x'D I don't know many people from these parts (South America) that like visual novels, and that's why they aren't as popular/known :'c

    Anyway~! Bienvenido al foro, espero te lo pases bien y disfrutes de tu estadía~!

    Spanish-speakers unite! *goes into mecha mode for some reason*

    Spanish powah... Henshin!

  4. /me sighs

    People always complained about my uncommon manner of speech and my english made it even worse, i guess a custom will stay a custom.

    Anyway since there's not enough moe have more moe:


    Pumkin pantsu are the ultimate pantsu

     Nothing to worry about folk, and yeah, there's never enough moe ^^

  5. From far far away, Nah, i'm living in the 7th region for now.

    And, a couple of friends of mine also plays visual novels, we even tried to make work a tumblr for it, but it didn't worked, we were all busy doing other things.

    And in the FB site there was also another person from around here, we're not the only ones here! 

    And that. Let the spicy invasion to fuwa begin!~~

    Sorry if I'm still writing in english, but it's a little unfair to the others to see what we're writting without them knowing. And also, it's kinda weird to.

    Here, have a moe: 


     Yeah, it looks pretty weird to see something written in spanish in an english forum, but it's also weird to talk with you in english since both we are chileans xD. Anyways, I'm from the 6th region, but I'm moving to Viña because of the University. Thanks for the moe and hope we get in contact. See ya~!

  6. Another fellow from Chile!

    Puta que estoy feliz weón, creí que era el único acá!~ ahuahuahuahua

    Well... Welcome to the forums. If you want, you can go to IRC to chat about lolis anything.

    Here, have a Starfish-Mode Fuko:



    Jajajaja, y yo también creí que sería el único xD, un verdadero agrado el tener a un compatriota aquí. Con lo poco conocidas que suelen ser las VN en el occidente cuesta más encontrar a alguien que juegue aquí en Chile. He intentado MUCHAS veces hacer que mis amigos jueguen, pero ninguno me hace caso. Bueno, ellos se lo pierden xD. Muchos saludos y por cierto, ¿de qué parte de Chile?

    Gaaaaaaaaaaaan! i'm a native speaker a native! ToT

    I'd like to believe you, but that thing of 'gamas de colores azules y rojos' sounded veeeryyy weird xD.


    Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!

    You should use vndb.org for your VN list, it'll be easier to tell others what you have and haven't read.

    I recommend Clannad, Little Busters (I wonder how many times I've recommended them today?), Muv-Luv and Sharin no Kuni.

    Have a moe:



    Thanks for the Moe! ^^ It is always well received ^^ I'll make an account on VNDB just as you recommend, and I forgot to post it but I'm also playing CLANNAD. I haven't played LB and Sharin no Kuni yet, but I have them downloaded, so when I finish Grisaia (I'm currently in Makina's route and I already finished Yumiko's, Sachi's and Michiru's) I will begin with them.


    Again, thanks to everyone for the welcome. ^^

  7. Thanks @nohman and @Yukiru. It is weird for me too to type in spanish (well, not precisely to type in spanish, but to do it mixed with english).


    And don't bother to talk with me in spanish, I understand quite well english :), I just wrote the title in spanish to caught your attention xD. btw, I don't want to be rude, but did you use Google Translator? lol xD

  8. Hey everyone here, I made my account quite time ago but I haven't used it due to some time problems. Anyways, I've been free now so I decided to pass by the forums, and since I'm a polite person, I'm saying hello to all the community of Fuwanovel :D.


    As you can see from the topic's name, I know spanish since is my first language (I'm chilean btw) and I've been in the Visual Novels' world since 2010 (or something like that) when I first played Tsukihime.


    From that moment I fell in love with the genre, being one of the things I enjoy the most in my free time.


    The truth is I haven't played many novels, so I'll be truly thankful if you can recommend me some games.


    Here is a brief list of what I've played and what I'm playing:


    Played: - Tsukihime

                 - Fate/stay night

                 - Saya no Uta

                 - Ever17

                 - G - Senjou no Maou

                 - School Days (awful btw ^^)

                 - Shuffle


    Currently playing: - Steins;Gate

                                 - Grisaia no Kajitsu


    Greetings from Chile! ^^

  9. Are you running your computer with Japan system locale?: No
    Game Name: Tsukihime
    Description of Problem: Missing some puntuations signs
    Your Operating System:Windows 7 Ultimate 
    64 or 32 bit: 64 bit
    What did you already try?: Run as admin, Redownload the game
    Did you download your game from Fuwanovel?: Yes


    Just joined to Fuwa and I'm having some problems with Tsukihime. The thing is that when I'm reading and it should appear an Ellipsis (...) or some other puntuation, a '|' appears instead. I've tried to redownload the game, run it as admin, but nothing of this have fixed it. I also tried to install the 'default' True Type font file that was inside the game's folder, but it didn't work either. Hope someone can help me, though I know it is a minimal bug.

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