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Posts posted by hmm

  1. 12 hours ago, TsukiBaka said:

    Also, new update here: http://www.minatosoft.com/majikoi-a/kawakami114.php

    This part where they have Kri say this is just... why:


    CG's of a trap Yamato wouldn't be that bad. He would resemble a flatter version of his mother. Atleast its not Gakuto or Chousokabe


  2. On 5/2/2016 at 2:13 AM, MFrost said:

    If I could find that one site where it listed all the VNR settings and installations, I'd give my two cents, but I can't find the damn thing and IM' not sure what to change so that it attaches to A-5 and translates the text again :( just browsing, It looked okay to me though...

    Attach VNR to A-5 then on the VNR sidebar thing click menu and select text settings. Go back to the game click and have some dialog pop up.  It should appear in the text setting window. Once it does select which ever box it is and click the dialog button above it and then save it. Now it should translate the text. Choice's are a bit iffy though. Adds the words autosave to the end and sometimes messes up the order. best way i found to deal with that is to save on the choice screen then hover over the save to get them in the right order.


    A-5 Seemed pretty enjoyable. Took a quick look through and it looks nice. Finally got a


    Benkei + Yoshitsune

    scene. Was hoping for that scene to happen in one of their routes.

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