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Posts posted by Tromend

  1. Like I stated I do have the windows 10 Fix for the regular ITH, but as far as I know ITHVNR and VNR SHOULD still work with Windows 10, right? Heck, I even played Kamitsure to almost completion, and I only got that VN after upgrading to 10. No, my problems persist mainly because they are varied and seemingly Random as fudge...


    PS: I will add for clarity, Normal ITH with Windows 10 Fix build works Fine... for SOME games, it does its job of hooking to basically anything, but 50% of the time it won't detect any threads, 30% of the time it will detect them and output Wrong/Broken text, and 20% of the time works... well, fine. My main goal here is seeing what the hell is wrong with ITHVNR (Which cannot hook a game I CAN hook and extract proper text with ITH right now) and VNR (Same thing). Also seeing if there is any way to fix the broken text in Making * Lovers... I was kinda hoping to play that but alas...

  2. So, here's the deal and background: I have Windows 10 x64, I had no troubles using VNR or ITH, or even ITHVNR up 'till I'd say about half a year ago. Back then I thought the support for new VNs was completely broken, and that's why I couldn't hook and play them, this has happened before so I just kept playing the old ones I still had and which worked just fine. Then about 3 months or so I stopped being able to hook to those Novels. Entirely, for no reason at all, just... Puff not working anymore. This is not only with VNR (Which I used mainly because of the non-intrusive text display if set on transparent) but also with ITH, and ITHVNR, heck I even tried AGTH. I struggled for months to find a way to actually hook my games again. Now all of a sudden after changing settings to compatibility mode for windows 7 for the Nth time it decided, "Hey, you know what? You can hook these games again kid." I was thrilled! .......Until I tried playing and realized, Oh, wait, the thing hooks to the game, kind of right? but not really? And even if it says its properly hooked, it actually doesn't output text? NONE of THEM in ANY setting.

    So I was like, Okay, maybe its because I'm lacking H-codes. Fine no problem, I KNOW how to make them, if I can't find them, I'll just spend a week to remake them from scratch, no biggie right? Welp turns out it is a big issue, I redid them, I tried playing the game, it will not for the live of me work. Not only that, I'm starting to get the same "Cannot even hook to the process" problem I started with. I found out there was a fix for windows 10 for the basic ITH, which I have, and now ITH can finally hook shit again. YAY. Now, problem is, I can't get text out of stuff properly, or, even worse, can't get it to recognize it as a VN to begin with.

    Seriously, Halp.

    VNs I'm having trouble, in no specific order, are:

    • Kamitsure (Can hook with ITH Win10fix only. No text outpout whatsoever)
    • Slime musume no sodatekata (same as above)
    • Harpy and lamia game from Vanadis (same company as above and same problem)
    • Rance 03 (Yup, not even Rance is safe. Same as above.)
    • Little Busters EX (Like, seriously, not even my favorite VN. Can hook to it with multiple things, cannot output a single line. Yeah, it even recognizes the game engine as Reallive, its stupid.)
    • Dolphin Blade (Works fine! With ITH Win10fix only! UGH)
    • Shigokare (Exact same problem as above!)
    • Making * Lovers (Same as the two above, YAY! Wait, no, that's not right. It won't display the proper text... This may be because I haven't made a personal H-code, but come on!)
    • And others... there are... about 50 VNs in my pc right now, not gonna check each and every single one of them.
  3. EULAs are not copyright. They can deny you support, but if you aren't distributing copyrighted material* they can't come after you. You own your hard drive, you bought it, you own the bits. Copyright may prevent you from sharing those bits with others but it doesn't get in the way of what you do with your copy (who's to know who did or didn't change their copy anyway.)

    *This is why patches should always be distributed delta-encoded from the original --- the user will need an original copy to apply the patch, otherwise the patch is nothing more than random data.

    All the things I wanted to write put down just in the last post XDDDD It's exactly as said. Have anyne thought of why there are patches for games (Random examples) like GTAIV in which you can go as a character from some anime, this also was on the GTA San Andreas, and a lot of games which have similar fashions?.

    I consider this Patchs "Addons" to the game. You have the game, you have the addon, you have what you want.

  4. This is good News for the community, because they wanted the whole game TL'd

    I can be of help to the project, TL or TLC, I'm not that good with kanji, but I can speak and understand japanese to a Relative high level, so, if I have the scripts (so I can copy paste them) I can nearly translate anything you want me to, though H-scenes are not my forte XP But I'm not against TL'ing them

  5. Well that's true u.u It's a shame Some Awesome games can't be played just because of the Lang.... In these kind of times I say to myself "It was worth those 7 Years of 3-5 Hours daily of Anime (if not more) for learning how to speak and understand Japanese...."

  6. Steve, You must try Tiny Dungeon, even if you have to play it.... Ugh..... Using ATLAS (I think a part of me died saying that....) It's just AWESOME, no, actually is so good I want to TL it XDDD

    BTW I'm recently playing the last Sono Hanabira Game.... *¬* (All my comments for the game in a simple Smiley, I luv it)

  7. Aaeru~~ Change the Description For Vocaloid Games, IT IS Necessary Unicode for them u.u A Friend of mine wanted to play them, download it from web and couldn't play until he changed the Unicode to Japanese.

    BTW, I couldn't get Aoishiro to run Without Having to install the game TT_TT It seems it needs to be rooted to the windows systwem or something 'cause when I try it unisntalled with all files, it wont run no matter what I do .-.UUU I think I'm doing something bad, but I also couldnt do it.

  8. Ok, I'll Give them a Try Myself, But!!! I must first play those Thouhou, end the second Re-play for the las Tiny Dungeon (I need it 'cause I want to TL it) and also I want to play The Latest Sonohana, it's so awesome I can't even wait XDDD

    When I end Installing, patching and Testing (Download is complete already) I'll put the torrent, I thought that making the torrent directly was a better Idea than putting it to download and all those things, I have some free Space on PC, so I can share it easily and if you download it from me you can seed it right Away ^^ I'll use the same format as the others Fuwan VN's

  9. If we make it Easy to Find such as, putting instead of a button a Menu when you put the cursor on the Browse Tab that shows an English option and a Chinese option and THEN you enter the page itself, maybe .-.U? I don't know it just came, XDDD

    EDIT: Also, Putting a Banner in the Main Page Such as "English and Chinese Browse Pages :D" or such could help too .-.UU... maybe?

  10. Exactly, Bolverk said something I forgot, The Chines Community for VN's probably cant Speak, Read or Talk English, that's why having the Page in Chinese Would be an AWESOME feature so the community will grow much more, obviously I cant say that You have to make the entire page in Chinese Lang.

    I had an Idea in the meantime of writing this, Why don't You do this? You Make 2 Versions for the "Browse" and "Otome" Sections in Fuwan, One is the actual English Version, that is the Important one for the web, and also there is a Button in Which you can change it to a "Completely Chinese Browse Page" In other words, a simple button to change the language of only the browse page, which enables you to enter the completly chinese browsing page or otome page, obviously all contents in that page would be on chinese and the games that show up in that one would have their description, comments and all in Chionese (Whitout having to change anything from the Prime web in ENG, just an ADDON to say it in another way)

  11. I don't know how the Page works, but I thinking putting a Chinese Version, and English Version Download Link is Enough, also, Putting a Translation to Chinese for the whole web would be the perfect idea, but that's quite difficult.

    If you can do it, try to make something like a Tag that goes in the IMG of the Browse page that signals in which languages the VN is, such as a USA Flag for eng and a China Flag for chinese and the flag appears in a corner of the img. I think there is something that you can make about it. But I dont know how to XDDD

  12. very hard to say, I am new to all things japanese, I started with anime, vns, vocaloids and other stuff like that 10 to 12 months ago.

    But I did some research just now, Miku was released at 31st of August 2007 and according to google the most popularity she received in October 2007 (source: http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=%E5%88%9D%E9%9F%B3%E3%83%9F%E3%82%AF -seems like whole population of japan that month googled her name, never even close to that number of the searches got it after that)

    The game itself was released at 31st of December that year, explaining why it has little "end of the year" theme in story.

    So the first game started developtment probably right when she was the most popular.

    Yes, It's just like you said. The actual intention for this game was a Fan release of the "Vocaloid Generation" (That's how i called it back then XD) in a VN so most people would buy they're Amateur Work. It's a pretty good game, and also it's 2 sequels are as good as the first one, so It's actually one of my favourites.

    Talking about the Post itself I must say that I found this 2 VN's:

    First one: http://vndb.org/v3192

    Sequel: http://vndb.org/v3193

    They're Touhou Vn's that are TL'ed to english, I wanted to try them and I found a torrent to each game, so when I end downloading and patch/test the games I'll try and upload them.... probably gonna use the same way you did it steve XDD

  13. Wait..... Seriously!? Well... wow, i thought I would have more time to prepare myself........ o.oU To be honest I've played the 4 games and the first One around 3 Times (So I'm sure I'm not wrong in the way I TL things) And I Only Have Some few Lines for the Start of the Game TL'ed ^^UUU

    I've never done it before because I had no time, and also I Didn't know how to get the Text And IMG's out to start working (I need the script to work on the Tl, It helps me because I'm a little bit disorganized)

    Like I Said before, It's an idea that came to myself now that I have time up my sleeve, so I must say this is Going to be a 0 Start, so yeah, let's start with getting the script and also, I'll make a Wiki, so we can work through it.

  14. Ziddy, I'm able of doing the proofreading and also the Translation, the only conditions is that I need the Text that's going to be translated in a TXT or in a place I can copy it. (I use a program which helps me read some kanjis I'm not fully able to read, that's why) If you're okay with that I'm willing to do so, And I'm also looking for people who can hack a game for TL the Tiny Dungeon series, so if you can help me in that regard I would be very grateful ^^

  15. Well I think, is better to just put them On a Torrent Directly and maybe Have a Mediafire Link just to get some Seeds automatically for the Torrent, being those seeds us users.

    I Was also trying to find some games like that, but to be honest a Play way too much in Jap, so I'm not that into TL's now (I was at the start XD) Sorry I can't be of help in that way. But i have a 1TB HDD so if you want, i can be an oficial seeder for the site, probably I'm going to get another one even bigger so its no prob for me ^^

    BTW, you dont need locale for those 2 games actually since they're based in a System that does not care for it. Well In some Cases Windows is just Stupid and It will think anything that's not in your native language is corrupted ¬¬UUU so you might need the locale. I think just in case tell that locale is needed, to make sure.

  16. Hello guys. Lately I've been playing some VN's and one of those caught My Eye. It's a series, called Tiny Dungeon (Don't know if you knew about it already) I was looking for a way to TL the game, but I need a hacker to do so. I'm not that good with that stuff, but in sure I can be a Proofreader, and also a Translator, since I've been playing it Thoroughly in Japanese.

    This is all for one reason. I'm Trying to get some people for a Project in which we get ourselves a Fan translation Group, oriented to TL games which are a Must in Fuwanovel's database, and also to make a Vlog (Which I'm willing to do myself on YT) where we Review the games we think are good enough or are going to be on Fuwanovel.

    I'd like to find some hackers, editors and if we found a bunch of translators we can do more jobs, if not, i can do one game by myself, so.... Yup, I think That's all.

    PS: If You Are interested in share some Ideas for the YT channel, Be welcome to post it, I'm willing to hear you out and if it's good i'll give you credits for your awesome idea ^^

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