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Everything posted by Aqua

  1. Ill Give those other two a shot but i have read Katawa Shoujo its definitely one of the reasons that i got into vns in the first place
  2. That's good to know makes me a bit less nervous
  3. Thanks, nice to meet you too
  4. Hi Everyone Well recently I've had to switch to satellite internet so i haven't had to do in my free time and I've always loved reading and I've read a vn or two in the past so with nothing else reading vns has become a hobby of mine and I've come to really enjoy them. I'm pretty new to doing stuff on forums but i thought why not give it a chance so I'm pretty new to this in both respects. The last visual novel i finished was Little Busters! and I'm not the best at interacting with people so i apologize in advance if i seem awkward or cold I probably don't mean it that way
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