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Everything posted by Haruhiko

  1. Thanks! Wow, the art looks really strange. I will check it out though. I can't read Japanese, that's why I said it had to be translated into English. (Wish I could though, those all look nice ) Do you have any titles that could fit that are translated? Either way, thanks for the recommendations.
  2. Thanks for the recommendation. It seems that it is little on the shorter end, but it looks cute. Already played Princess Evangile, (think it should be listed on my VNDB. Maybe I forgot to add it.) Thanks for the other recommendations! Will look into them! Thanks for the recommendation, it looks cute! Thank you for the welcome! Yeah it seems my request is a little too specific perhaps. Thanks for the recommendations! Thanks! Looks like several people like these, seeing as they have been repeated quite a few times now. Thank you for the recommendations! They look interesting. I'm fine with there being a singular heroine too. Harem endings might be okay, I haven't really played any game with that before. I mainly added the route part because I prefer longer VNs. If they are too short, it isn't as entertaining to me. I haven't played Da Capo 1 though. Is it possible to play the second one without the first one?
  3. I am looking for a VN similar to shuffle!, with a fantasy setting mixed into a romance / comedy game. Preferably with heroines like Nerine, Primula and Sia, who aren't normal humans. (Elves, demons, angels etc. Also fine with something different, like catgirls and such, but I want a game with routes that has some length to it.) I have played Shuffle!, I am currently playing Tick! Tack! and Tokyo Babel, and I plan on playing Really! Really! later, so do not recommend any of those. Any other recommendations would be appreciated! (It has to be translated into English. >_<)
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