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Everything posted by Josette20

  1. Sure! I don't mind sharing at all, but I think only the third one will appeal towards your taste. I have all three sitting on my hard drive. But it's all very, very preliminary, as I need time to do up the translations, especially for the 3rd project, which is a far bigger one. Not to mention, the aid of a hacker to help patch things up. Here's what I'd like to do, when time permits - Game 1 (NSFW) Game 2 (NSFW) Game 3 Very ambitious, which means it will probably wind up to be more talk than action!
  2. Thank you for the reply! After checking out what others I own later, I can help upload any that I have for the people on the thread. (If I do) My reason for asking, is that I'm thinking of working on a VN project which contains some.. er.. decidedly mature themes. Nothing really excessive, but definitely isn't PG-13. And it has as much sex as plot, with incest, yuri..etc.. Plus it's a single route romance, but with choices to get good/bad endings. Since it's all preliminary, I won't elaborate so much, but I'll working on the translations myself, then when the time comes, I'll talk about it some more. So, I was wondering, if hosting wouldn't be a problem.
  3. If it's alright, I'd like to ask, what sort of visual novels are allowed to be submitted for hosting here on Fuwanovel? Sky's the limit or are there restrictions, like no Eroge, Nukige, excessive violence, incest (including yuri/yaoi).. etc (just examples, of course)? I can't find any guidelines, one way or the other on the site, so I thought it'd be a good idea to pop the question here first.
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