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Everything posted by j98132

  1. Ok, I solved it, I just downloaded a 100% save, and then I got the scenes and cg. Now I just need to know when the scenes are, then I'll play till one's supposed to come up, save, play the scene, then back to the game. Kinda solved this by myself, but either way, thanks to those who took the time to respond and look at this topic. Also, is there some sort of list of when H-scenes happen? It'll be a lot easier for me if I had it.
  2. It did, here's a thread on it from Seiha Translations, it includes clips of the characters voice actors. http://games.seiha.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=533 Destiny's seems to fit the characters (some) better than Justice, but I can't single out Wakamoto's voice from Justice, the rest are fine.
  3. I'll review the notes then, and were you the one that uploaded the game on Fuwanovel? If so thanks
  4. The game is fun, don't get me wrong, it's just that, if I get bored mid way through (playing the game for like the 3rd time for routes or something), anything H will drive me to play all routes. Thanks for replying.
  5. Wierd, in the Seiha Translations forums, Aroduc posted a topic about the differences between the 2, it said that Justice took out a lot of H stuff, or just blacked it out, and everyone acted like it happened. There were other stuff too, but I didn't mind those changes, this is the one that bothered me, no matter how wierd it sounds. Here's the thread if you've never seen it - http://games.seiha.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=533 And thanks for replying.
  6. I'm trying to play Duel Savior Destiny, so I clicked Destiny instead of Justice, but it's the same thing. I know this, because I got the bath scene after I beat Berio, instead of the H-Scene. So I'm assuming the Duel Savior download at Fuwanovel is -only- Justice, and the question of "Which version do you want to play?" in the beginning doesn't matter. Sorry if I'm wrong, or confusing. And thanks if anyone posts, feel free to ask for more info, I'm checking this topic often, so don't worry bout waiting for a response to your reply/post.
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