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  1. Thanks to the awesome guide. Now onto BB 2 :). My hints/notices: *IMPORTANT. Red quests (story quests) - may disappear if ignored for too long. It happened for me in case of Ayaka, I didn't accept the quest from Job Board, and just grinded Frozen Wood and Overgrown Thicket. Quest regarding her - was "overwritten" by the one regarding Tatsumaki - samurai guy dressed in brown. I think since I received her quest I made around twenty levels. * The game difficulty and scaling is laughable. Played at max. At first you struggle. Around level 15 the game picks up speed, you start leveling much faster. Around level 30 only "Boss" mobs can be problematic. Pass level 40... the game becomes a joke. I am standing in a front row with a bow or dagger barely anything can touch me and my attacks deal around 600 damage easily (Quickshot for instance) for a level 85 char. * Pick the weapon skills you want. It really doesn't matter. Consider yourself lucky if you get any super powerful weapon drops - they are probably available in New Game Plus only. To the end of the game ( I was level 85 when I finished), I was using mostly gear from store. * There is a cheap sword - 1000 g and has 20 STR. You can buy it probably around level 30. *Katana can be used with shield.... * Loot from magic chests is fixed. That means: the moment you loot a magic chest, the loot is already decided. You can abuse that by using 1000 gold to open chests, and then reload game and sell the chests or open the ones that contain good stuff. * Don't be mislead by item sale prices. It may happen that a very good item will barely sell for anything - Rage mask sells for 600 g and it grants 10 STR 2 END 5 INT. *Scenes with Lams were triggered when I found a fountain on one of Cave Bueroza levels. I didn't have lams in my party at that time. * Enemies will move even if you are just standing in place and are turning around. Try to use strafing, so not to waste unnecessary movement (especially if you know the dungeon). * Status effects (paralyze, blind) are pretty much only used by bosses - large creatures that take all the enemy field. * From all status effects - I have chosen only Draining Touch and maxed its AOE version - If it hits ( all status effects have low hit chance, only Berserk and Wither have a bit higher) it lowers damage by half, for like three attacks. Great to counter bosses (yes it affects them). *Don't be afraid to spent skill points on different non-combat aspects, by the end of the game you will be literally swimming in them. If I rembember you should just go X mark.
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