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keira stargem

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Posts posted by keira stargem

  1. oh, you have no idea how (rather confused, I must admit XD) happy and thrilled I am! I mean....I COULD follow the walkthrough I found, but I could only guess where I was, but now I can read the subtitles!!!!!!!!! FUCK YEAAH!!!!!!:D:heart::D


    XD the machine translation is good enough for me XD

  2. ..............uhm......okay, this is uh.... XD (WTF) I came back to my room after watching Criminal Minds with me mum, and had up the game wizard up, just sitting there... and I noticed this...   http://imgur.com/vurci3Q

    I went through it, and picked the thread that fit what Ukyo (the character on screen) was saying. I clicked commit, waited a few seconds, and forwarded the text once. then THIS  happened....http://imgur.com/vz5PvYS

    I have NO IDEA why it decided to start working again...but who cares?! XD IT WORKS! YAAAAAAAAAY!  (I think VNR is possessed XD  WTF)

  3. 3 minutes ago, Clephas said:

    ITHVNR is a form of ITH that uses parts of the VNR engine, but the original Interactive Text Hooker is a completely separate text hooker.  The older form of ITH works with some engines that VNR doesn't, and it is much, much easier to configure and use.

    ok...how does it work? like...how do I install it and run it? does it work with PPSSPP?

  4. 2 minutes ago, Deep Blue said:

    why dont you try using my tutorial? try using ith 2015 too if you don't want to use chiitrans (which is imo better than vnr in some aspects), depending on the version it will be able to hook the text or not. vnr ith can hook some text and sometimes it cant hook text that you can with the normal ith or the modified version of ith  that chiitrans has

    does it work with PPSSPP? that's what I'm running Amnesia: Later on

  5. I can't figure out why VNR is refusing to show ANY subtitle of ANY sort! there's just NOTHING

    http://imgur.com/nafha9P (this is the top right corner of my screen just after clicking, "yes" in the subtitle update window)

    http://imgur.com/C5CvTSA (<-subtitle update window pictured here)

    I'm trying to get english subtitles for Amnesia: Later, played on PPSSPP, but no matter what I do, I can't get ANY sort of subtitles to show up. absolutely nothing.
    any sort of help would be IMMENSELY appreciated

    what makes this so unbelievably annoying is VNR was working JUST YESTERDAY, but then today it just decided to HATE me

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