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Posts posted by Arbiten

  1. If you are capable of translating it by hand, then you know Japanese, but in that case you could have just read it in Japanese, right? I really don't get this.

    Yeh, but i don't know every kanji i come across. So i use a machine translator as an accompaniment, but when you're reading it it gets frustrating to look at two different windows, so i usually read it all off the translator. This is because it pastes the RAW text as well as the translation when you highlight over it. It's pretty convenient, the dictionary i use is good, but it opens in another window so it becomes a problem. 

    So i read the text directly from the translator (RAW & Translated version), it's annoying about the visual's as they are in another window, but since it's pretty repetitive i can usually just glance and then focus on reading until i hear another character enter or an event begins. 

  2. So, it is as  you found somewhere - yes, krkr2 uses xor cypher, but the key depend on the game and could be actually changed by game creators and every game I tried - have different crypting. So welcome in debugger or google, as that patch appeared from somewhere, this means someone already hacked that.

    I can do the hack again, but I do not have the game and as this is not a translation project - not really interested.

    That's fine, thanks for confirming it it's actually a xor cipher :)

  3. Just going to say that if your plan is to use translation software to translate it, like you used it to read it, you should probably save the effort and stop, the chances of people who actually know Japanese coming and translating this eventually are reasonably high.

    That's not what i said xD I'm just using the streamer to intercept the text, since i can't access the files directly. I can instead use a streamer to grab the text as it reaches the application. We read the novel with a machine translator first as it's quicker than translating each line "by hand" just to read it, although granted the machine translator was so bad i didn't know if Yuuto wanted a gun or a haircut.

    So we decided to make our own private translation of it to compliment the machine translation. That is to say, if there's a section which is particularly bad, we'll translate it "by hand".

    I wanted the RAW script files because otherwise i'll have to press the spacebar thousands of times to collect the data i need (I have tried this, i pressed the spacebar over 100 times and only got like chapter 1 and 2 of Mera's route.



  4. Hey o/

    I've recently managed to extract the .arc script files from the visual novel "Sky full of stars". I did a quick check and it's all there, the entire common route and the heroine routes are seperated very nicely into separate files see here: (http://img.ctrlv.in/img/15/12/22/567962b9809f4.png)

    I've managed to decode them as well since they were using Shift-JIS and word is very helpful with this. However, when i actually got around to starting the visual novel (Probably should've done this first). The game displays random symbols instead of kanji. Here: (http://img.ctrlv.in/img/15/12/22/567963857e5e2.png). I found this weird as in the mounted iso there was a font folder and when i extracted it. It seemed to be using the "Rodin" font. I figured when i installed the game, the font would be installed as well. 

    What should i do in this situation? Reinstall the game or try and find the font and install it?

    Perhaps it's not a problem with the font? I'm pretty confused about this

    Thanks in advance!

    - Arbiten



  5. I won't be reading it, but I also won't be bashing it. Ryechu does have a point; at least give it a try first. 

    *gets beaten half to death by angry mob*

    Ok... I´m sorry ... Please stop. 

    I quite agree, I've only tried one of them (I think it was swim club) and it was definately not my kind of thing nor what i could consider a good Vn but i won't bash it...just isn't my type of thing...i'm sure people out there enjoy Sakura games...right? some people do anyways haha.

    I've tried 2, i managed to finish one route in sakura angels, and 5 minutes of gameplay in sakura spirit. Now they just rot in my steam folder.

  6. Ok, sorry to add onto the question pile xD

    I'm trying to extract the scenario.xp3 from the visual novel dracu-riot!. I can extract stuff like the scene list, but the extractors i've been using keep telling me "That archive is protected" and "Expected #01 but got #80". I've tried the following extractors: Crass, XP3 Extractor, XP3 Viewer, ExtractData.

    When I set the param for the crass one like tpm1="" it began to extract the hidden files, but then failed and stated it had a runtime error. What extractor should i use for this? Any ideas how to bypass the protection on the archive?

    The scripting engine is kirikiri2.

    It is anti-piracy or anti-translation protection. For example. Lilith started using it after translation groups translated the first few Taimanin games.

    I don't know what workarounds exist.

    Dam, i assume they do exist. Since staircase subs managed to get around it. Oh.....hahah i just thought of something. The kirikiri engine reads patch2.xp3 when it starts up and uses the files in there instead of those in in scenario.xp3. I already know the file names i need to overwrite, so couldn't i just write a file into patch2.xp3 to replace the file in scenario.xp3?

    For instance, in scenario.xp3 there's a file called "★プロローグA(始まり).ks", then in patch2.xp3 (The one staircase subs made) there's a file called "★プロローグA(始まり).ks.scn".

    So perhaps i don't even need to extract the files. I can just create a file of name e.g "ニコラ-その1(事実).ks" for Nicola's route in patch2.xp3 and then that file will get overwritten?

    Ok, i overcomplicated that. But if anyone can get a workaround for me it would be a great help, i've started translating Azusa's route so i want to be able to implement it when ready.

    EDIT: This makes sense if you can understand it ^ xD It relies on the fact that you don't need to see where the file is to overwrite it, provided you know the files names. When i tried to extract scenario.xp3 i got 4 files extracted and then an error. One of the files i extracted was !scnlist.txt (Scene List) which gives me all the file names for all the chapters and routes. So i can just overwrite them in the patch2.xp3 archive.

  7. Ok, sorry to add onto the question pile xD

    I'm trying to extract the scenario.xp3 from the visual novel dracu-riot!. I can extract stuff like the scene list, but the extractors i've been using keep telling me "That archive is protected" and "Expected #01 but got #80". I've tried the following extractors: Crass, XP3 Extractor, XP3 Viewer, ExtractData.

    When I set the param for the crass one like tpm1="" it began to extract the hidden files, but then failed and stated it had a runtime error. What extractor should i use for this? Any ideas how to bypass the protection on the archive?

    The scripting engine is kirikiri2.

  8. Hey o/

    Me and my friend have recently decided to try and translate some of the missing routes from staircase subs partial translation. We've used a VN streamer and translator to read the novel already, but we feel the novel will be better when you don't spend most of the time staring at a plain translation application xD

    I've already extracted the .xp3 file named "patch2.xp3". I got this. I had a look at the files using a text editor and it's obvious they're encrypted, so i'm wondering how to decrypt them? I think someone on these forums suggested offzip?, but i felt it unnecessary because all that was doing was adding another extension e.g from .ks.scn to .ks.scn.psb which is seems pointless.

    Hope someone can enlighten me on this, thanks in advance!

    - Arbiten

    Edit: Someone opened a topic about this stating it was a simple xor cipher. I had assumed as much, but don't i need a key to decipher it? for example there's a line like "mdf x懍]@・3{ ・l(v・・{・4{b郵b・墜{{舷G鎖ccIQ帳・y"o凉3l・+J・・Wii鯤O糯効昴" There are clearly japanese characters in there, separated by random characters, so it's obvious the data is there, just encrypted. 

    Edit #2: Ok i'm confused, but i've made progress. I extracted the scenario.xp3 and saw the scene list. When i checked the patch2.xp3 i saw Elinor and Prologue so that was probably the staircase subs English patch. When i tried to extract scenario i could only extract a few files as it said "This is a protected archive". Is there a specialist tool for getting around this?

    Oh, worth noting that the scene list displayed something like this:


    ^ [ニコラ] Nicola's route. So the files are stored as .ks in the "protected archive" (Which is good as they are readable), but i have no idea how to bypass it xD

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