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Posts posted by Kaykeiokay

  1. I don't really "believe" in any media I consume.

    1) Usually the work isn't conceived to be something that is to be believed, rather to simply be entertainment.

    2) I would rather make my conclusions than simply taking work as it is.

    Like art, the artist's intent usually shatters the expectation of the viewer and often dulls in comparison to the interpretation they came up with themselves. I believe that value you're seeking has little to do with the work themselves but rather with the viewer's own willingness to think more deeply in the ideas presented. Even with the blandest eroge can have value if you think about it in terms of how it panders to its audience and how that affects sales/reception in different markets. What details of this bland eroge made it successful/unsuccessful? Was there any ideas or plot points that would have made this eroge more enjoyable for me? Would said idea appeal to wider audiences? Why or why not? Anything can be valuable if you put the effort in, it just depends on how you look at it.

    Then again, I am a hopeless romantic, so I would hate to believe the media I consume as a waste of time.

  2. It's probably long overdue, but here it goes! Hello everyone! I've been lurking the main Fuwa site for years now obsessively checking fan translation statuses, and December of last year I made an account on the forums thinking I'd totally join the community only for me to end up lurking even harder. hehehehe.........My anti-social tendencies are far too strong. :yumiko:

    My first visual novel was Fate/Stay Night, waaaaay back in 2009. To be honest what guided me to visual novels was the shitty DEEN adaptation, the wasted potential of the series bothered me deeply. How could they set up this interesting premise and barely scratch the surface of that potential? (The me of 2009 would've loved Fate/zero) My bothered self then read some reviews on MAL to validate my impression on the series, through that action I learned that the source of the narrative was something called a "visual novel". With that knowledge, and few Google searches later I had Fate setup on my shit Windows ME. The Fate route didn't really impress me much since I had just finished the anime days earlier, but once I got to UBW that's when things got interesting. The premise wasn't built upon in the way I expected, but I felt that it didn't necessarily have to because what it built up to was very satisfying and entertaining in its own special way.

    Those moments where the script, visuals, and music all came together, got me absolutely hooked on visual novels as a whole. Even though, these moments always seem to be buried in heaps of slice-of-life fluff. I've been reading them ever since and loosely following the fan translation scene. I must say watching this fandom grow and flourish, has warmed my cynical heart. Back in 2009 I couldn't even imagine some titles getting official releases, let alone them raising hundreds of thousands of dollars through crowd funding alone.(Proud contributor to the Clannad, MuvLuv, and Double Root kickstarters)  Such short turnaround from original Japanese release to English release would've been a dream back then when waiting years (2+ at least) for translation was the norm. ( I waited 6 years for that Hollow Ataraxia translation, it's a miracle it came out at all really.) There are probably people here that have been into this much much longer that can easily recall scarcer times and that alone earns my respect, because your foundation allowed many others to experience this medium that otherwise would've faded into obscurity. Man, I'm already sucking up to my senpai and I haven't even legit talked to any of you yet. :wahaha:

    If I set them up properly, feel free to look into my scrub levels. :rimu:

    If not here are links to profiles, where you can proceed to judge me in every way, shape, or form.

    MAL: http://myanimelist.net/profile/Kaykeiokay

    VNDB: https://vndb.org/u48090

    Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kaykeiokay

    I'm also a video game collector and it seems like quite a few of you are gamers too, so I'll just leave my Grouvee account here. https://www.grouvee.com/user/kaykeiokay/

    I'm open to recommendations from absolutely any genre (okay, maybe not hardcore loli. I don't wanna go to jail) , so GIVE ME YOUR WORST!

    Oh yeah, Call me Kay if someone already claimed that then call me Kei. Okay?

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